Chapter 27

Aurora opened her eyes and she was at a loss for words, she was sleeping and Caspian was next to her in bed.

She sat up and that woke Caspian awake,

"Forgive me My Lord I have to go home."

Aurora felt disoriented as she said the words,

"It is very late, you can leave tomorrow it is not safe for you to return now."

Aurora nodded as she could see he had a point, she thought about going to sleep on the couch as sleeping next to him was indecent.

Caspian lay back down, "Don't overthink it Aurora, lay back down and I won't touch you I promise."

Aurora lay back down cautiously and Caspian covered them both with his blankets, they were very warm.

This was a million times better than what she was used to, the bed was soft from goose feathers and you sink into it comfortably not the one she had at her place, cold and hard.

The blankets were soft from fur and Aurora could not believe the amount of comfort she was in, she curled up instinctively.

"Enjoying my bed?" Caspian asked her.

Aurora felt color climbing her cheeks, "It's very different to what I am used to My Lord."

Caspian touched her face softly, "I knew you would be blushing from those few words." He withdrew his hand.

"You seem tired so why insist on carrying on when you don't have the energy nor the strength?"

"It is my duty My Lord, one that I can't afford to slack off as there are a million others waiting to take my place."

"I see, just like you took the other maid's position."

"Yes Constance My Lord, but I am only filling in until she gets better then I will resume the normal duties that I once had."

"What a pity, I wanted you to stay forever."

When Caspian had said that out of the blue, they both were quiet, Caspian could not believe he had said that and Aurora didn't know if he meant it or was he just cajoling her feelings.

There was no need for her to overanalyze this as she knew what type of person Caspian was,

"I'm tired I am going to rest My Lord."

"Goodnight Aurora."

The minute Aurora closed her eyes it didn't take much for her breathing to be deeper and she was asleep.

Caspian was surprised she could fall asleep so quickly even after she had just woken up, she must be very exhausted.

Her hair had fallen down into a braid and there were wisps of red hair that had become free, her hair was a huge contrast to her face.

She looked peaceful and very innocent, he brushed some strands of hair from her face, and he turned back.

He closed his eyes and could not help thinking of having her, he had never lain with a woman and not done anything.

This was new to him and very hard to carry out.

Aurora rolled over in her sleep and she ended up on his chest and she was snuggling closer. Caspian wondered why she was torturing him so much.

He put his hand lightly on her small back and she snuggled closer.

The night was long for Caspian and he finally fell asleep with Aurora in his arms.

When Caspian woke up, he knew it was late and he sat up, the room was clean and Aurora was nowhere in sight.

This means she had left after cleaning his chambers and must have done so silently if he did not hear her.

Aurora got to the servant's quarters during lunch and all her friends had so many questions for her the minute she sat down.

"Where have you been Aurora? We have been worried sick." Said Evelyn.

"I was with Caspian."

They all grinned and gave her a mischievous look on their faces, little did they know it was not in the way they think it happened.

"Tell us everything, and don't you dare miss out on any detail," said Ida.

"We want every single drop of water," Lucy remarked.

"It's not the way you all think it happened."

"Then tell us still." Said Agnes.

Aurora told them the events that had occurred and what had made her miss her curfews, and how she woke up early, cleaned, and left his chambers.

When she was done telling them everything she could see that her friends had a mixture of confusion and surprise.

"So you two didn't even kiss?" Barbara asked.

"Not at all."

"How was the food like?" Ella asked.

"It was delicious but I couldn't enjoy it to the fullest as I had lost my sense of taste."

"Bummer, how is Caspian's bed?" Agnes asked with her eyebrow up.

"Very soft and warm, very different compared to what we have."

"Sucks that you won't be in it again unless you succumb." Lucy winked at her.

Lunch finished and she went to her tree and sat down with her legs pulled up and her head buried in her arms.

"Finally I have found you."

"Elliot, how have you been?"

"Great, but seems as if you have been having it rough."

"Can't wait to go home and rest, it is much needed."

Elliot nodded as he sunk down next to her, "You still have some duties?"

"Yes, or else I would have been gone by now."

She and Elliot spoke a bit more and tea time came, she went to Caspian's chambers, fatigue was catching up to her.

Today she would have to forfeit supper if it was not ready, she just wanted to go to her place. She took the tray from the kitchen and made her way to his chambers.

Aurora tried to not jump or look frightened, Nadia was seated opposite Caspian and they seemed to be in a flirtatious conversation.

She walked and placed the tray in front of them, they seemed to have diverted their attention onto her,

"Your tea."

"I know you." Nadia blurted out.

Aurora kept her head down, as she did not know how to respond to her inquisition.

"It's hard to forget your hair color."

"Thank you for the honor, I'm grateful My lady for the grace you have bestowed on me."

"How long has she served you?" Nadia directed the question this time to Caspian.

"Not very long, she is filling in for one of the maids that fell sick."

Nadia nodded, "Hopefully you will still be around."

"Thank you, My Lady."

Nadia nodded to her, and she stepped in front of them and poured tea into their glasses and a cube of sugar.

Aurora thought she would be dismissed but no they were having their tea in front of her. Her legs were in pain.

"Would you like to sit with me?" Caspian asked.

"No My Lord, I am fine as to where I stand."

"We don't need much help, you may leave." Said Nadia.

"Thank My Lord, My Lady."

Aurora left and lucky her the dinner was ready, she ate quickly and made her way to her place. She took a bucket and went to bathe.

Once done, she was in her place, she climbed into her bed and felt all the differences in her bed compared to his.

Why did it nag her that Nadia was there? At least she could have lunch or tea with him whenever she desired.

The wedding date would be set soon with the way things were going. As much as she would love to stay in her thoughts she fell asleep soon after.

Aurora woke up the next morning feeling rested, she definitely need this break, she stretched and made her way to the bathroom.

After her normal routine she made her way to the palace, then the servant's quarters, when she was seated with her friends,

"We finally get to see your face." Said Ella.

"You are scarce this day," Ida remarked playfully.

"Costs a fortune to see that lovely face of yours," and this time it was Barbara.

"So what happened last night my lady we did not see you during dinner?" Agnes asked.

"I served Caspian and Nadia tea and then I was dismissed from my duties, came here and was lucky that dinner was ready, and I ate then went home."

"Wait so it is true that Nadia was here?" said Evelyn

She nodded, "I also was caught off guard."

"Marriage is coming soon with the way she can't get enough of Caspian." Said Lucy.

Aurora tried to not let it bother her, the way she was acting one would think she was the one who is supposed to be betrothed to Caspian.

"Must be, the families will have a gathering to address their marriage soon," Agnes added.

Aurora went to her duties the minute that breakfast had finished, she walked to Caspian's chambers and when she got there the door was closed, she knocked lightly but there was no answer so she opened it slowly and was relieved that no one was in there.

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