Chapter 33

The following morning her maid came in, "Morning Mam, you are needed in the princess's villa."

"Do you know what it is about?"

"Not really but all the concubines must meet at the princess's chambers."

Aurora nodded, and she went to the bathroom set out for her, when she was done prepping she still could not believe she was a concubine.

She was led to the princess villa and some of the concubines were all already seated, she sat amongst them in a circle around Nadia.

Nadia waited for them all to introduce themselves, and they all did as she nodded.


"Wait I know you." Nadia's face scrunched up.

"I heard she was a maid." Said Caroline.

Aurora felt embarrassed they all were probably from prestigious families,

"How did you make it to be a concubine?" Nadia asked.

"I was called last minute."

"So you weren't part of the plan after all." This time it was Lilian.

"I am curious, the rumors are repent, is it true Aurora that the Prince was at your villa last night?" Rachel asked.

"Yes it is, but he only came to greet me," Aurora said to diffuse the situation as Nadia was looking very angry.

"Is that all?" Nadia asked.

"I heard they exchanged a lover's kiss under the moonlight." Hazel piped in.

Aurora started to wonder if this is how the palace was, you could not trust anyone as information was being leaked and probably someone from her villa or the prince's villa.

"Enough, I wanted to check in on all of you, and now that is done you may all return to your villas," said Nadia.

They all bowed their heads and left her villa,

"Have you no shame Aurora?" it was Caroline.

"What did I do?"

"We all know the first night belongs to the princess, yet you a slave dares to take that away from her." Hazel cut in.

"How is it my fault he came to my villa?"

"You tell us, your seducing powers must be from out of this world," Rachel replied.

"We are here foremost to help the princess and not for our own agendas remember that maid!" this time it was Clara.

It was nearly lunch and Aurora took a walk to the normal spot that she usually did and her maid was next to her.

The irony of it all was that she had started as a maid and now someone was a maid for her. Her heart felt heavy and the jabs they took at her for being a maid were all true.

When lunchtime came she made sure to put on a cloak, she looked in the servant's quarters and motioned for Lucy to come as she was the first one to spot her.

All her friends came outside as they sat down.

"Aurora what is going on?" Ella asked.

"Why are you dressed like that?" this time it was Lucy.

"Where have you been?" Agnes asked.

"Why did you not attend Nadia's wedding?"

"What happened?" Ida asked.

"Okay if you all would let me explain."

"Please do," Barbara replied.

Aurora replied with everything that happened to her, all of it.

"You are a concubine?" Ella asked.

Aurora nodded,

"So they are mean to you because you were a maid?" Evelyn asked.

"Sadly yes,"

Lunch was finished and she had to part ways with her friends.

Days went by and she had not seen Caspian since the night of the ceremony, it was tiring being in the palace and acting prim and proper.

She decided to take a walk to her tree, and she dismissed her maid who was reluctant to leave, but she insisted telling her to arrange a massage for her when she came back.

She sat by the tree and found it weird that even when his status had elevated she still found herself here.


She looked up and she was so happy to see Elliot.


He sat down next to her, "I see you are a concubine but you are still here, bored much."

"You know Elliot."

She was glad to talk to him as he still treated her normally and hearing his jokes and humor was a breath of fresh air.

Elliot got up and held out his hand, she took it and he pulled her up. She dusted her dress,

"I have to go back to my villa."

"Let's go I will walk you."

"You sure you have time to spare Elliot."

"Positive, I wouldn't neglect my duties."

"Fine let's go."

"Lead the way, My Lady."

Aurora laughed and it was sunset, they walked side by side and she was laughing truly ever since she had gotten to the palace.

She was now not alone but had someone here who was genuinely her friend, she was laughing so much her ribs hurt.

They turned into the palace and as they came to the clearing in the middle and she was still laughing so much,

Elliot hit her arm and she looked in the direction he was looking, and there was Caspian walking with Aurora hand in hand.

Aurora bowed her head so did Elliot, her breath was held hoping they would pass by and go.

"You may raise your heads."

Aurora and Elliot did, as it was Prince Caspian who had addressed them and Nadia seemed to be smug.

"Why is my concubine with another man?"

Aurora saw Elliot wanting to speak and she could not lose her only friend and he would get a whole lot of punishment.

She would not let him take the fall as he was about to speak.

"Forgive me, My Lord, he is a dear friend of mine and I invited him for a chat and some tea."

Aurora could see Caspian fuming and wondered what it was about. He was the one taking a stroll with Nadia so why was he mad at her?

"Don't be harsh on them, they are just taking a stroll." This time it was Nadia but there was some excitement in her voice that she wanted her to receive a punishment or to make it seem as if she was graceful and forgiving.

"You may carry on, don't stop at my count." Said Caspian and his hand tightened with Nadia's as they were bowed.

When they were out of sight and Aurora was looking at their intertwined hands,

"You should have let me take the fall for you, you have lost favor."

"Does it even matter if I do?"

"What do you mean?" Elliot probed.

"There is another concubine or millions more to take over and besides my background plays a huge part."

"I'm sorry."

Aurora could hear the sincerity in his voice, "Don't feel sorry for me from the position that I was at, this is a blessing."

"What about loneliness?"

"Who said I am alone?"

"Who do you have Aurora?"

She pointed at him "I have you."