Chapter 60

Aurora was nervous about Caspian going to war, she was worried that something would happen to him, and she was afraid to hear news about him being killed.

She waited every single day with hope and she always prayed for him more than she did for herself, worry was eating at her.

She needed to take her mind off everything, and she went to her friends,

"You look tired Aurora." Said Evelyn.

"I know but I can't but worry."

"He has only been gone for a month now, you will be reunited soon," Ella replied.

"I know but I can't help it, all I dream about is him being gone and something bad happening to him."

"If he loves you as much and you love him, then what is meant to be will always be true," Lucy replied.

"Since when have you become a romance poet Lucy?"

Everyone laughed at her response and this is what she wanted, to clear her mind.

"Don't overthink it Aurora, he will come back to you if he promised you," Ida remarked.

"True, I should not think in a negative perspective, everything will be fine."

"I am thinking of leaving the palace," Barbara said in a very low tone.

"What?" Agnes replied.

"I know, I just want a family of my own, we are all not going find luck as Aurora did with Prince Caspian, that happens once in a blue moon, I want to have a loving husband and kids, this life as a maid is lonely."

"You are right, I also think about it, it's just that gold is hard, and affording my living expenses is too difficult as work is too scarce," Ida added.

"If I wasn't a low concubine with no parents I would try to give you money."

"Don't jeopardize your position just for us," Agnes replied.

"When I had left the palace the last time, I always dreamt that also of us could be there and be happy without all these obligations."

"That would be lovely, in our next life we will meet," Lucy replied.

"We all will have princes," Evelyn added.

"Barbara, how will you leave? Do you have a suitor?"

"Yes, but I am not sure if he will have me as his wife," Barbara replied.

"What do you mean?" Ida replied.

"I can't even say his name, as I would be in jeopardy and it seems as if he is embarrassed to be seen with me." Barbara replied with so much emotion.

"Have you spoken about it with him?"

"He always changes the subject," Barbara replied.

Aurora would not judge her, she also was with Caspian who had plenty of concubines and slept with other women, but she still wanted and loved him with all of her heart.

"This world is cruel to most of us."

Everyone looked at her when she said those words and she could see the emotions on her friend's faces, they all felt sad and somber.

"I hope in our next lives we are also blessed by the gods and we live decent lives," Evelyn added.

"The way things are set up, it makes it difficult for anyone of us to have a decent life," Agnes added.

"What would it take for all of us to be treated right? We are all human beings at the end of the day."

"Sadly they don't think like that Aurora. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer." Ella added.

"I thought I had made it out by being a concubine but all I have gotten was resentment, torture, and loneliness. At times I wish I could come back to being a maid."

"Are they still tormenting you?" Barbara asked.

"All the time, it does not stop at all, you are profiled from your background, and being a concubine does not do much."

"So basically there is no escape unless if you are born from a noble family," Agnes replied.

"Pretty much."

"It's sad that human beings are not held with value just because they are born in a family that is poor. No one chooses to be born like that." Ella replied.

"This world does not pity anyone, some animals are equal and some are more equal than other ones."

They all seated and felt gloomy, they all realized, either way, you go there would always be troubles and obstacles that stop you.

It did not get much better but it was always the same, your family's background was all that mattered.

If even she was having it hard, she couldn't give up, she loved Caspian so much that she could withstand anything that came at her way as long as he would have her.

"It is worse when you love them," Barbara added.

"Tell me about it, there seems to be no happy ending."

"They will be Aurora when Caspian returns and you two reunite," Agnes replied.

"You are right, I can't wallow in self-pity all the time."

"If you need an outlet we are always here for you, no matter what," Lucy added.

"Don't you all want to have someone to love?"

"We do but we are maids and if we get caught it will lead to dire consequences," Evelyn replied.

"Do you receive gold now that you are a concubine?" Ida asked.

"No, if one needs gold you have to ask Nadia and I know she would not give me any gold dust."

"Nadia is truly evil, have you told Caspian?"

"I did, but he has to succeed the throne, so she was not punished."

"That sucks big time, I wish we could confront her or help you stand up to her," Ella replied.

"Thank you, I am lucky to have you all in my life, I don't know what I would do without."

"Don't make us cry now," Lucy replied.

"I'm trying not to. Let's change the topic, any new gossip or news spreading around?"

"I don't know if we should tell you," Ida replied.

"You can tell me, I won't get upset."

"Are you sure?" Ella replied.

"If I can handle being a concubine, this would be nothing."

"Well, you have been the talk of the town for a while now. They circulate news about you being a lowly maid and the prince just wants you for looks." Agnes replied.

"They also say when the prince is tired of you, you will live a lonely and sad life," Evelyn added.

Aurora took it all in and she made it seem as if she didn't mind, she had to be strong in front of her friends so they would not feel sad for her.

"What can I say? When people have made up their minds, there is no stopping them."

"I just wish everyone would stick to their own business," Barbara added.

"Envy is a very horrible thing," Ella added.

The bell rang and she knew her friends had to go,

"We will chat later."

They all waved her goodbye and she headed back to her villa.

"My lady tonight is the dinner with Princess Nadia and the concubines." Said Eleanor.

Aurora sighed, could this get any worse? When night time came she started to get ready for dinner she hoped that everyone would be civilized.

She sighed, and when Aurora was done dressing, and Eleanor fixed her hair, she took a deep breath and headed to the dining hall.

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