Chapter 37: Night Scare

Kurt had gone to bed a happy man. Alannah had a fantastic time looking at the different weapons and trying them out. Alannah found it difficult to choose out of the selection. After a lot of protesting, Kurt brought her a new Tessen and two fan swords.

Theo had brought her an assassin's blade. An assassin's blade is a small, very sharp blade that had a delicate handle. It was small enough that it could be put in a woman's hair without looking out of place. Chris finally brought Alannah an Assassin's ring-a ring that had a small button in the band. When it was pressed, a small sharp blade came out.

"My other granddaughter has one; it is only right you have one!" Chris stated

Alannah put the ring on straight away and tried it. She was delighted at the results and giggled like a joyous schoolgirl.

So, why was Kurt awake, staring at the ceiling? He was worried, very worried. Akihiko was getting close, too dam close, to taking his Goddess away from him. That wasn't the only thing, it was that Son of a Bitch was playing mind games with Alannah. This was much harder to fight and unfortunately, Akihiko was an expert. Kurt's greatest fear was Alannah would leave him because she thought he would be better off without her. He just needed to get this meeting over and whisk her away. Once they were married, he would feel better.

Kurt sighed and turned to a sleeping Alannah, who had cocooned herself in the bedcovers. He moved into cuddle her, hoping she would relax him enough to fall asleep. As soon as he tried to move the covers, Alannah grumbled and pulled the covers closer. Kurt softly chuckled and kissed her on her head, it was then he realised something was wrong. She was radiating heat and her hair was wet!

Alannah? " Kurt said it softly, and there was no response.

"Alannah, come on now, my love. Wake up for me! " Kurt said as she shook her head.

"It's cold, very cold," Alannah grumbled as she turned to face him.Kurt switched on the light and saw that Alannah was shaking violently, her cheeks were flushed and she was sweating profusely.

"Alannah? Alannah! " Kurt said he was panicked and there was no response. Kurt jumped out of bed and put on a robe. He rushed out the door and banged on Grace and Xan's bedroom doors loudly.

A very sleepy Xan opened the door and said, "What is it, Kurt? It is 3 a.m.! "

"It's Alannah. She is not waking up and she is burning up," Kurt said quickly.

"What!?" Grace said, opening the door wider.

"Alannah is not waking up!" Kurt said, "flapping.

"Calm down Kurt! I am sure she will be alright and is just exhausted. She had a very rough time emotionally and physically. However, I will check her over for everyone's peace of mind!" Grace said disappeared and then reappearing with a bag. Grace, Xan and Kurt all went back to Kurt's room.

"Alannah Sweetie, can you hear me?" Grace said as she turned on the light.

"It is too early Tao!" Alannah mumbled.

"It is Grace, Alannah," Grace said softly.

I drew a butterfly picture. Do you like it? Alannah murmured.

"I love it, Alannah. I am just going to take your temperature. " Grace said, and she took out a digital thermometer and placed it in Alannah's mouth.

"Keep it in your mouth!" Grace commanded as Alannah tried to spit it out. The thermometer beeped, and Grace looked at it.

"Yeap, she has a bad fever and we need to break it before any permanent damage. Xan orders an ice bath to be set up. "Kurt, we need her downstairs in my medical room," Grace ordered quickly as she flung off the covers.

"Net, mne slishkom kholodno!" Alannah said. (No, it is too cold!)

"Russian?" Kurt said, surprised.

"Her mother was Russian, so it is not that strange. "It's clear she's delirious, and no one can figure out where the infection came from."Grace said as she removed the dressing. As expected, the wound was filled with pus and blood. Suddenly, Grace felt a hand around her throat as Alannah sat up, clearly dazed and disoriented.

"YA ne poydu s toboy Akihiko, YA ostayus' s Kurt!" Alannah said. (I will not go with you Akihiko, I am staying with Kurt!).

"Grace!" Xan shouted and rushed over and grabbed Alannah's arm. "Release her now!"

"YA ne poydu s toboy Akihiko, YA ostayus'kurt!"Alannah repeated. (I will not go with you, Akihiko; I am staying with Kurt!)

"She thinks we are taking her away from Kurt!" Grace gasped.

"Alannah I am here! Let Grace go now!" Kurt said moving onto the bed.

On zdes', on vsekh nas obidita! " Alannah said. (He is here!) He will kill us all.

"Order her in mandarin. As....a ....gang leader!" Grace said.

"Wǒ mìnglìng nín zuòwéi dǒngshì zhǎng lìjí shìfàng tā!" Xan ordered. (As your chairman, I order you to release her!)

Alannah thought about it and then released Grace, who moved away. "He is coming and he will kill us all. You have got to let me do my job, Chairman! " Alannah murmured before passing out.

"Well, Akihiko has got into her head. Come on, let's get her down to the ice bath." "Gracea said sadly.

Alannah woke up several hours later in an ice bath, not the first time this had ever happened in her life. "What, what happened?" Alannah stuttered, confused.

"Ah, you have finally come round! You had an infection that caused a high fever. Don't worry, it broke a few hours ago and you are going to be fine. I have given you an antibiotic injection to fight the infection." Grace explained.

Alannah looked around the room and then at Grace, her eyes narrowing when she saw the marks on Grace's neck.

"Who did that to you? Was the house attacked? Is Akihiko here? " Alannah said, quickly making a move to get up.

"Alannah, you have to learn to relax!" Grace said.

"Why are you not answering my questions?" Alannah demanded, and then she saw Grace looking sheepish. "Oh God, it was me, wasn't it?"

"Alannah, you were speaking Russian at the time and were pretty out of it. It is not the first time I have been hurt by a patient, and I am sure it won't be the last time. " Grace said.

"I am so sorry Grace, I had no idea.I am surprised Xan has let me live! " Alannah said seriously.

Don't be silly! It was very clear you were ill and there was no lasting damage. Your Russian is impressive, by the way. Did your mother teach you? " Grace asked.

My mother thought it was important for me to grow up with dual lingo. Don't know why, it is not like I am a member of a Russian Gang is it?" Alannah said with a weak smile.

"You are good at learning languages, aren't you?" Grace commented, trying to divert her away from the Russian Gang topic.

"Yes, I like learning new words and the different music word sounds can make!" Alannah said with a shrug.

"It is a good skill to have," Grace said.

"Not as useful as being a doctor!" Alannah said looking down. She knew she would never be compared to Grace.

"But, I was not sold at 14 and become a Nine Tails," Grace argued.

Alannah had had such a brutal life and was still a good-hearted person who shared what little she had and fiercely protected her family. Grace thought that was quite extraordinary.

"I just feel so out of place, like this is not where I am supposed to be!" Alannah confessed.

Well, you are not supposed to be here. You are supposed to be with Kurt back in England!" Grace said with a smile.

"Where is Kurt?" Alannah asked suddenly.

Grace said with a fake smile, "He is not here; he is greeting guests with Xan." She secretly thought Kurt was a Dick for leaving Alannah, but he was upset at what happened last night.

Grace had repeatedly told him that Alannah was delirious and had no idea what she was doing, in the end even Xan had said it.

Kurt was not so sure. He said that he knew Alannah was a violent person, but she had always kept it in the ring. He was concerned that she always turned to violence as the first port of call and Grace could have been seriously injured. At this point, Grace had almost lost her rag!

"She has been conditioned to do that since she was 14! Kurt, you better not fuck this up over something she was not even aware of doing. Alannah is the best thing that has ever happened to you. So help me God, if you hurt my cousin, you will be very sorry!" Grace had shouted. Kurt had stormed out of the room and not returned.

"He is upset, isn't he?" Alannah asked as she looked down again.

"He was a little," Grace said honestly.

"Tell me, was he upset because I was sick or because I hurt you, his first love?"Alannah asked.

"It is not like that!" Grace said quickly.

"Isn't it?" Alannah said and Grace said nothing.

"I am getting sick of feeling like Kurt's second choice!" Alannah said quietly.