Adirondack Mystery 2

Dinner will be good tonight! We found both the [Shadow Pig] and the [Nightingale 'Shrooms] so we won't have any problems filling our bellies.

When we arrive at the camp, we find Adresin and Mark sharing a hot tub made out of clay. The ladies aren't around so I'm assuming they're taking a bath somewhere secluded.

"Damn, how'd you make a hot tub so fast?" I ask.

"Oh welcome back, Sir," Adresin replies. "I used [Shape Earth] to make it. Is it to your liking?"

"Hell yeah it is!" I say and present him our spoils for the evening. "I can use this hot tub to scald this pig."

Adresin looks at me in disappointment and says, "Right..."

"Why the glum face?" I ask. "Go make a large clay pot after your bath. We're making hot pot tonight!"

He sighs and replies, "I swear, sir. You only ever get this excited when food's involved."

"Haha why wouldn't I?" I reply.

I then turn to Grace.

"Yes, yes, I'm gonna go take a bath with the girls," she says before I could say anything.

I flash her a smile and say, "Good."

As she walks off, Adresin gets out of the bath and wraps himself with a towel.

"Miss Freya seems to be in a better mood," he says. "Did something good happen while you were in the forest?"

"We just had a heart to heart," I reply.

He gives me a smile full of relief. I guess he's been worried about her too.

"I'll be going ahead and craft the pot," he says. "Will you join us, Sir Mark?"

The young blonde sinks further into the bath and says, "Nah... I'll join after I soak some more."

I look at Adresin and I point to the fire under the tub with my eyes. He shakes his head but I insist. Then, he sighs and increases the frame's strength with a flick of his finger.

"Woah! Ouch!" Mark panics and jumps out the tub when he felt his bottom being scorched.

"Hahaha! Those who don't work, don't eat!" I say as I toss him a towel.

With Mark's help, we got the pot going. Mountain vegetables, some wild herbs, salt that I nicked from the Lupinus kitchen, and of course, the mushroom and pig of night. Soon enough, the smell of sweet-savory food wafts in the air. This got the attention of Rocco and Richie who exit the tent.

"Ooh! It's one of Sir Richard's creations!" he says excitedly.

Richie stays silent but his mouth drools a bit.

"Yo! If you're done with your little meeting, then sit down and grab a bowl," I say while putting some ingredients in the broth. "The girls are coming back too so you can fill us in."

It doesn't take long until the ladies come back and we all sit around the pot. Finally! After everything that's happened, we can finally have another good meal.

"Wow! This tastes really good!" Lina exclaims as she takes a bite off of the pork.

"Take your time. There's a lot for us to eat," I suggest. "Now, Rocco, tell us the situation while we're eating."

"Right," he replies with a mouthful of food.


"Whew that tastes good!" he continues. "Richie has mapped out the area where people have been disappearing. He figured out that it's happening in a 5km radius around here."

"That's concerning..." Adresin chimes in. "That's a wide area to cover and increasingly difficult to navigate since we're in the mountains."

"That's right," he responds. "We'll start by putting up a perimeter around here so others don't wander into this area. [Explorers] might not like us but when we tell them to do something, they usually follow."

I scoff and say, "That's reassuring."

"It's a pain in the ass I tell you," he replies. "Next is to comb the area methodically. It'll take some time, but this way, we won't miss anything."

"How long will it take?" Grace joins.

"Until it's done," Rocco replies. "You guys can leave if you want but if you intend to stay as you said you would, you'll have to be willing to stay as long as this investigation goes on."

"No problem with me," I reply then look at Adresin and Grace. "What about you two?"

"Do I have a choice?" Adresin chuckles dryly.

"You said that we can learn something from them so it's ok with me too," Grace replies.

I turn my attention back to Rocco and say, "Well, that's that. Hopefully you can show these two how things are done."

"Oooh such pressure," Rocco responds. "We'll do our jobs properly so don't worry. Now, if there are monsters, you can't engage it alone. Richie will connect us via his [Radio Waves] so call for backup even if you think you can kill it. One mistake can cost you your life after all."

Wow, he really is a pro. Sure, they messed up with the [Blackhole Rabbits], but he shows his experience and training when it matters most. His team is nothing to scoff at either. I notice that while he's speaking, they're shutting up and absorbing his instructions.

"Alright, does anyone have a question?" he finishes.

Lina raises her hand.

"D-do we have to separate while we comb the area?" she asks nervously.

"Unfortunately, yes," he responds. "If we stick together, we'll be bigger targets. We don't know what we're looking for or how dangerous it is so a smaller group can at least lower the chances of being found. In addition, we can comb a much bigger area if we're separate. Just don't act recklessly and take it slow."

She nods to signify that she understands.

"Ok, any other questions?" he asks.

None of us responds.

"Good. We'll start tomorrow," he says as he readies himself for another round of the hotpot. "For now, let's finish eating this thing."

After the fruitful meeting and the satisfying meal, we head into our tents and rest for the night. Well, at least try to. Whoever said that bad habits die hard is so damn right. I find myself tossing and turning in my blanket even though I would really like some shut-eye.

"Fuck..." I mutter in frustration.

My sleepless habit from Garden of Days is one thing but there's also another reason why I can't sleep. I feel like we're being watched. Like that one vampire from that movie where he watches his girlfriend sleep at night. It's an uncomfortable and creepy feeling. Realizing that it's not gonna disappear anytime soon, I head into the forest in the dead of night to deal with the situation. As expected, many of their eyes turn to me as I try to take a leak.

"You know, it's kinda rude to stare when a man's junk is out," I announce into the air.

No response. However, I do hear some slight rustles. These guys are no amateurs but because of my heightened senses, I notice even the slightest change in their movement.

"Five people, really?" I continue. "Does it really take for five people to scout out a camp?"

Their breathing stops for a bit. Then, they swiftly navigate through the trees and surround me.

"Oooh so scary. Do you guys really wanna see me piss that badly?" I taunt.

Then as I am about to turn, a shadow swiftly descends from the canopy and addresses me.

"You're a vulgar man," the figure says. It's a female's voice, but rough and deep.

"Evening m'lady," I respond with a mocking bow.

She steps forward into the bit of moonlight that manages to pierce the trees. And there she is. A well-toned female, wearing a dark-blue hanfu and a mask that rides the line between opaque and transparent. Her raven hair is tied into a tight ponytail and on her waist is a thin short sword. She looks like one of those actors in a Chinese historical drama and it sends my memory into nostalgia overload. I know only one person who wore this kind of clothing in Garden of Days but this is not her.

"You look like you've seen a ghost," she taunts me. "Where did all your confidence go?"

"Oh it's still here," I reply. "It's just that you don't look Chinese yet you wear their traditional clothing. Isn't this cultural appropriation?"

"A man with shallow jokes," she scoffs. "I should've known."

I shrug and reply, "What can I say. It's not everyday I see something like this."

She glares at me for a bit but then sighs tiredly.

"All of you need to leave this place," she warns grimly. "This forest is housing something far beyond your capabilities. If you value your lives, then get out."

"Ugh!" I groan in exasperation. "I was expecting something more exciting since you guys stalked us the moment we got here, but all you wanted was to warn us?"

Her eyes go wide in surprise.

"Wha- how do you-?" she blurts out in a panic.

"It doesn't matter," I interrupt her. "Look, missy. This situation is such a cliché that every video game and piece of literature has done this before. So, here's my suggestion..."

I pause as I pick up some stones on the ground.

"Leave now before I get even more mad and throw these stones at you," I finish while making sure I communicate my violent sincerity. "Your staring is making it hard to sleep."

She unconsciously takes a step back and grits her teeth.

"This is not over," she says and signals her other friends to retreat. Then, she vanishes into the darkness.

"Such a cliché thing to say before leaving," I sigh. "Well, at least I can sleep now without being watched."

After that, I finally had some good sleep.