The Couple 3

"For the story to make sense, I have to start from the beginning. I was from a city called Boston and Sylvia was born in Providence, its neighbor. Unlike regular cities, these two don't have gods governing them. Instead, they're under the thumbs of two prominent Princes of Hell. Asmodeus, the Prince of Lust, conquered Boston for his own, while Beelzebub, the Prince of Gluttony, consumed Providence. From then on, others called them, [The Twin Cities of Sin].

"As you would imagine, as cities governed by the embodiments of sin, these two indulged in their pleasures. Boston is known for its sexual adventures while Providence is the hub for all who want to gorge themselves, even to the point of death. We grew up in these cities... and because of the culture, I grew up thinking that lust is all there is. That being a man is all about the number of women you conquer. Well, that all changed when I met Sylvia.

"She was born in a gluttonous culture and because of that, she was morbidly obese. But instead of going with the flow, she ran against it. Literally. She ate less, exercised like her life depended on it. I met her in one of her runs when I happened to be in her city. Needless to say, I fell in love that day.

"She gave me a chance even though us Boston boys didn't have much of a great reputation and eventually, we got married. After we found out that we're pregnant, we wanted to find a new place to live since those two cities are not good for raising a family. Since then, we jumped from one city and settlement to another. So, really, I didn't lie to you. Portland was the last city we lived in."

[Divine Mind Activated]

[You know that he's telling the truth but he's hiding something important]

This should do for now. I don't wanna scare him off before I got to the bottom of this. There's also something that concerns me about Sylvia but I need to talk to Kimberly to figure that out.

Beelzebub and Asmodeus... God, those names just bring up so many bad memories.

"So who's the lady that those thugs said was looking for you?" I ask as I sip my tea.

We decided to have some refreshments while we talk. The entire hospital's a mess but the tea set's not damaged so we decided to have a tea party in one of the least damaged rooms of the second floor.

Upon hearing my question, his eyes light up as if he's thought of something but then averts them from me.

"I... don't know," he says.

Clearly lying. Fine. If this is how he wants to play it, I'll tag along. I'm looking for new developments anyway. The compass, which registered Beelzebub's energy from the rabbits, is still pointing South-East. This means that he's where he said he is: Providence. Well, unless the map somehow changed from the one in my memory. And seeing that he's very familiar with what's been happening down there, it wouldn't hurt helping him out.

"Look, Francis. Whoever this lady is, she's clearly after Sylvia," I say while keeping an eye on his expressions. "If you want, I can protect the two of you until this is sorted."

With that, his eyes flash with excitement. I gave him some rope to cling to and he's unconsciously trying to grab it.

"B-but I have nothing to pay you with," he says hesitantly.

"As I said, I don't need any money," I reply. "All I need is a guide and you, Francis, will be that guide."


"Yeah!" I say as I wrap my arm around his shoulder, "You see, I have some business with Asmodeus and Beelzebub. If you promise to help me navigate there, you have my word that the two of you will get your happy ever after. What do you say?"

He thinks for a bit and he's clearly torn. But, it doesn't take him long to figure out that my olive branch is the best he's gonna get given the situation.

"I promise," he replies with conviction.

"Good!" I celebrate as I head towards the door. "Your wife should come here soon after Dr. Kimberly finishes her checkup. Until then, enjoy that tea."

"Th-thank you Sir Richard... for everything," he bows.

"Don't mention it," I reply and close the door behind me.

It's dark now. It always bums me out that it gets dark so fast in a forest. Maybe I should hike up a mountain to get a good sunrise or sunset view. The beach should also do the trick...

As I wander the halls thinking to my self, I notice Kimberly smoking in one of the balconies. A doctor who's smoking... I didn't think I'd see the day.

"You do know those can cause cancer," I say jokingly as I approach her.

"Piss off, Demain," she snaps back and exhales a puff of smoke on my face.

[Warning: Toxins Detected]

[Divine Body Activated]

[Toxins Eliminated]

"You really shouldn't be doing that to your guests," I cough.

"Ohhhh so you're a guest now huh?" she scoffs. "Well tell me, do guests give me more work because they beat up every person who picks a fight with them? Do guests bring in unconscious people from gods know where and expect me to treat them without payment? Do guests bait thugs into ruining my godsdamn hospital?! Huh, Demain?"

Sound arguments. I guess I gave her nothing but trouble so far and I feel kinda guilty...


"Sigh...fuck your sorries. Just let me dissect you as payment," she says without skipping a beat.

"Is this new sexual harassment?"

That last statement earns me a flick of a cigarette butt to the face.

"Whatever..." she says and exhales the last puff of smoke in her lungs.

Such a nice, quiet evening. Perfect for the conversation that I'm dying to start.

"How's Sylvia?"

"Better, but still dying," she replies while trying to light up another stick. "Whatever you gave her bought at least until her delivery. Once she gives birth, she'll 100% croak."

"I had to smack a giant snake for those peaches and all it gave her was three more months?" I exclaim as I light her cigarette with a tiny fire on my finger.

She does a satisfying huff and says, "Regular humans can't handle any of the four energies and it goes double for demonic corruption. Whatever demon got her pregnant has some twisted sense of humor."

"Fuck..." I sigh. "Are you sure there's nothing we can do?"

She looks at me quizzically and says, "Let me ask you something that I've been curious about. Why do you even care so much, Demain? These people are practically strangers to you. Don't tell me you want to play hero."

I chuckle.

"I'm no hero, Kimberly. You know that."

"Then, why?"

I lean on the railing and look up at the bright stars that splash on the dark canvas of night.

"Because the demons are my responsibility..." I reply.

"Damn..." she sighs. "I don't give enough fucks to dive into that one but if you're really serious about helping this couple, I'll tell you something that you could do."

"I thought we can't save her?" I ask, confused.

"I took the Hippocratic Oath, Demain," she puffs a cloud of smoke at my face again. "While I want to help Sylvia, I can't just send you to danger knowingly."

"So what changed your mind?"

"You're taking responsibility," she replies. "I don't know your story but who am I to stop you from doing what you're supposed to do?"

This tsundere doctor... I can't help but smile with how sweet she's being compared to before.

"Ok, Kimberly," I say with determination. "Where are you sending me?"