The big lie

“My Little Slave”

Author by Natalie Ernison


The perpetrators of the nasty video spreader were none other than Ryona and Azkha. Azkha is even willing to play Jordan. In the video, it has been edited using Jordan's face. Because with the sophistication of technology it is not difficult for them to do that.

After that incident, Belle disappeared and could not be found.

“Heron Family Residence Mansion”

“I really never did that nasty thing with Ryona, mom and dad ..” said Jordan who looked very angry and almost cried for the first time in front of his entire extended family.

“Prove it, if in the video that is circulating it's not you and convince Izabelle to come back to you again.” said Jackson.

“You can only give advice, but you don't understand what I'm going through!” Jordan snapped at his first brother.