
Me first?

“It’s ok…you can go first. I’ll be slow so…” I said in a shaky voice.

“You go first. It’s safer that way. If you fall, I can catch you. If you get tired halfway, I can wait for you or push you up…” Hayden said, his tone as emotionless as always.

“Ok…” I agreed hesitantly.

“Ladder’s ready!” I heard a man’s voice shouting down from above us.

Hayden moved towards the ladder and began pulling on it to test its stability. Once he was satisfied that the ladder wouldn’t come falling down, he gestured for me to start climbing up.

Well, here I go…

It was a long climb but somehow, I managed to make it all the way to the top. Hayden followed after me without any trouble. I felt dead tired, and I was sure that my body would be aching the following morning. I made a silent promise to myself to exercise more.

“Take her to the nearest hospital,” Hayden instructed one of his men.

“What about you?” I asked in panic.