Boss's Orders

So basically, from what Hayden explained to me, the Torex Corporate was legal and worked just like any other giant conglomerate. The conglomerate is managed by hired professionals that were chosen by the Board of Directors, which were mostly Torex family members. On the other hand, there is the grey part of the business which deals with gang-related activities and business. The building has over eighty floors with access restricted from the 71st floor.

What that means it that the legit part of the business happens in the lower floors while the restricted floors are where gang members gather and work on the grey part of the business. What amazes me is that a mafia gang actually needs a large group of people to do desk jobs such as accounting and the like.

Not that I was impressed or anything…

“Do you want to know the rest?” Hayden asked excitedly.

“You mean more about your gang’s activities?” I asked, making a disinterested face.

How about ‘no, thank you,’?