Me with Akino was a dream come true and in our second and official date with him I am very excited about it. But the only thing that worries me is to screw up with one of my silly things or end badly and screw it up as well.
-Akino...better not...sorry...we better not go...
-What and why... why... you were excited and now you're sad
-Well, I'm afraid I'll ruin it... maybe it's with something I say... do or happen... I'm afraid I'll ruin our date
-Don't think that you're not going to ruin it... all this time... 2 months together, don't they mean something? You have always been the engine of my joys and the one who has my heart, you are the reason why I work much harder every day... you are my everything, you are my love, you Yoshiko are my love, so don't think anything bad about yourself Yes?
-Sorry for being pessimistic from time to time is that sometimes my fears invade me and more when we are together and alone.