Chapter 16 Assassins

Chapter 16 Assassins

There is man, a student who is liked and loved by many girls, fellow students. His name is Bernard. Bernard is a good man and student. He is not a trouble maker. Only one shows her affection for him.

One day, he noticed that a mother dog bit and tried to eat her pup. It is a painful episode. The dog killed her young. The pup did not struggle for his dear life. His mother was a very fierce dog. Arnold decided to kill the dog out of nowhere. He used the gun he was issued. He felt a deep despair after doing so.

A pain in his heart is there. He felt guilt. He talked to himself. “What have I done? I could have just captured the bitch.” Fortunately, no one saw him. But his guilt grows and grows. He is taking justice to his hands. One event after another happened. He created a group called “The Executioners”.