Perfect Love

Jessica Afdhal Malika. This is the name of a woman who just graduated from college. Just finished his bachelor's program perfectly. Within three years he was able to become an L. L. B.

    And Fauzan Ahrezza Muzakki. He is a man who has been accompanying Jessica for almost six years in her education. He also finished college together with his girlfriend. People used to call them the perfect couple. The perfect couple.

    Both have beautiful faces, smart brains, good hearts. Successful in making their juniors, classmates, and even seniors jealous. Not only in college, even from high school, but they have also made a lot of people jealous.

    Being in a relationship for that long is not an easy thing. During the first three months, Fauzan had made a fatal mistake that almost ended their relationship, only the two of them knew and no one else.

   This Sunday understands what Jessica wants. Enjoying time with good people who have been present in his life without any obstacles from nature.

   In this simple cafe, they all gathered. Contemporaries from their high school days. Many are still pursuing a different field of study from Jessi and Fauzan, who have already finished.

   "Jess, I heard you don't want to be a lawyer do you?" asked a woman sitting directly in front of Jessi, her name was Cleo.

    The others followed along curiously to know what Jessi's answer would be. They all know that Jessi has never been interested in the world of work, much less as a lawyer. He went to college just to pass the time.

   Meanwhile, Jessi just smiled faintly at the question. He was sure his friend was asking just to be sure.

    "You know the answer," said Jessi, not wanting to repeat the same words for the umpteenth time.

   In one table there are six people including Jessi and Fauzan. And almost all of them sighed in unison, except for Fauzan, who laughed a little at the behavior of his friends.

   "You're asking again. You should have memorized it once Jessi said no, no," said Fauzan, still eating the chicken nuggets that Jessi ordered.

    "Well, who knows, you'll change your mind after knowing how it feels to learn about all these things? After all, people are really smart," said Daneo, a man sitting next to Cleo.

   His eyes squinted lazily when what he expected didn't happen. The four of them had always wanted to hear a different answer from his question to Jessi. However, in fact, after all these years still, nothing has changed.

   "Yes, yes, it's not like we are dumb, we lie down while playing cellphones," added Rere, the woman in a ponytail and a black leather jacket. Tomboy is indeed a child in contrast to Cleo, who wears a thigh-length mini skirt and blonde curls.

   Jessi and Fauzan chuckled amused to hear that. It was a kind of compliment studied with contempt, I don't know what that meant.

   "Please finish your food quickly. He said he wanted to watch." The man sitting in front of Rere intervened. His name is Satria, his cold demeanor exceeds that of a two-door refrigerator. But the problem of nervousness, don't get me wrong, Satria is never absent. He knows everything, just lazy to tell anyone else, so he keeps it all to himself.

   Daneo finished his late coffee order. This coffee lover is never absent from his mandatory drink every time he comes to a cafe.

   Meanwhile, Cleo, Rere, and Jessi were still busy with their caramel. Satria and Fauzan have also finished with their food.

   "Okay Sat, pay it!" Daneo ordered casually. They were used to the attitude of that one impudent man. It is indeed the laziest when it comes to paying and always directly handing it over to Satria who has the most wealth among them.

   Satria sighed, it was no longer strange with Daneo. It seems like next time doesn't invite Daneo to hang out like this. Just spending money. Already the most expensive order, don't want to pay anymore. What else is it called if it's not self-aware? Daneos.

   However, when Satria was about to stand up, Fauzan preceded him and walked to the cashier to pay. He feels bad if Satria has to pay for their food again and again. 

   "Fortunately, Fauzan is good. He is very understanding. It suits you," said Daneo happily seeing Fauzan paying without being asked.

   "It suits you. Next time, capital if you want style," said Rere, not using heart. Expect the man to be hurt? Oh, no way would happen. Just look now, the person is giggling and clinging to Cleo. How could Cleo want to date a model man like that?

   "Cle, why do you want to go out with a wet exhaust? Sky-high style but you still need to pay for coffee." If Rere has spoken, don't expect a good word in the sentence.

   "If it's just me, it's only capital, Re. There's a lot more capital," answered Cleo innocently. Ah, looks like Cleo was hit by a pellet from Daneo.

   "Hey!" Rere looked away lazy to see the romance of his friend's stupidity.

     Look away in the other direction so as not to see Cleo and Daneo's behavior, instead, they are stuck with Satria's handsome face. Kan Rere became embarrassed, right when Satria was looking at him. Rere immediately looked away again as long as he didn't look at his friends.

   Jessi just smiled at their argument. It's rare to be able to feel the atmosphere of togetherness again like now. They were so busy with their own business that they hardly had time to get together. Luckily, Cleo was willing to give in to her shooting schedule. So, today they can meet.

   Fauzan returned to his seat which was immediately greeted by Jessi's hand. Jessi was already excited to see Cleo and Daneo's romance, finally, she could also do it with Fauzan.

    "Why?" Fauzan asked Jessi softly when he saw his lover's different smile.

   Jessi even shook her head with a smile that didn't leave her at all. It got wider and made Fauzan excited to see it. He lightly pinched Jessie's red cheeks. Jessi's cute face makes an impression that continues to be adorable with her current behavior.

   "Are you okay? Let's go straight to the cinema!" asked Satria to get up immediately and put his cellphone in his pants pocket. He did not carry a bag, only a wallet, cell phone, and car keys.

   His other friends also did the same. Instead of putting them in his trouser pocket, Fauzan put his cellphone and wallet into Jessi's bag. It's a habit that they've always been dating from the start. However, there was still a third person who didn't notice.

   When Cleo and Jessi put their touch-up powder and lipstick back into their bag again, Rere just stared at the two women who continued to polish their faces. He didn't even carry a bag, just like Satria. Only wallet, motorbike keys, and cellphone only.

   "Have you bought the ticket yet?" asked Daneo walking first.

    "What? Do you want to buy it too?" This Rere does seem to have a personal problem with Daneo.

   "What are you doing, I'm just making sure. If we haven't bought it yet, we'll buy it first, you know," answered Daneo explaining. He also doesn't want to be called capital less, even though it's true.

   "Eh, does this mean we have a triple date?" Fauzan spoke up after noticing that they were indirectly paired. Cleo and Daneo walked hand in hand embracing each other, Jessi and Fauzan also walked hand in hand. Meanwhile, Satria and Rere walked hand in hand with a distance away from each other, whether intentionally or not knowingly.

     Cleo and Daneo suddenly stopped and made Rere and Satria who were walking behind them almost hit the two people. 

     "Could it be that if you want to stop, turn on the turn signal first? My head will bump, then," scolded Rere, who was still surprised. When Rere nagged, Satria was just calm with a straight face.

   Jessi and Fauzan were busy laughing behind their backs. Seeing the faces of Cleo and Daneo who looked panicked mixed with surprise and enthusiasm, was very funny.

    Ignoring Rere's scolding, Daneo spoke to Fauzan. "Don't be, I can't imagine if the exhaust leaked out on a date with ice cubes."