
   "He's not home?" asked Fauzan when Jessi's housekeeper said that the young lady was not at home.

    "Yes, sir. Earlier, Miss Jessi said she wanted to meet Ms. Cleo," he answered again, explaining as Jessi had said before.

    Fauzan nodded then said goodbye again. Jessi has been very difficult to contact. Fauzan never forbids himself to go wherever he wants, as long as he always informs him so as not to make him worry like this. Jessi's habit when she left without news was not picking up her calls like she is now.

    Fauzan returned to his car. Leaning his back on the back of the seat. He opened his phone again to see if Jessi had called him or not. There has been no notification at all from his girlfriend.

    Remembering what Bi Eem said earlier that Jessi met Cleo, Fauzan immediately contacted his female friend.

    You're welcome. Cleo is also not actively contacted. Fauzan became even more worried thinking about it.

    He immediately started his car, he didn't know where to find Jessi.


    "Where are we going, Jess, Cle? I'm tired of following you guys who don't have a clear direction and purpose," said Rere complaining. He was tired of following the two women who had no clear purpose.

    Jessi and Cleo continued to hold Rere's hand afraid that he would run away, go home alone.

    "Jessi wants to find cargo pants, but we haven't found the shop yet," Cleo answered explaining what Jessi wanted.

    "Well, how about we meet if we just pass all the shops. What do you want to look for, Jess?"

    "The brand doesn't exist in this mall," he answered sadly, stopping his path.

    Cleo immediately turned to Jessi's side. Gently rubbed his friend's arm and continued to say patient words.

   While Rere just silently watched these two unclear humans. How could he be friends with a different species from him?

    "Are we going to try to find it again, Jess? The city is looking for it until we find it. Anyway, we're not going home until we find what you want," said Cleo again saddened to see Jessi gloomy. But Jessi wasn't that sad either.

     "That's fine. I want to go back. What events do you think I'm unemployed for? I have a lot of work to do," said Rere, who was surprised to hear what Cleo had said earlier.

    Cleo and Jessi then glared at the only woman who was the opposite of them in terms of clothing.

    "How come you're evil, Re? Jessi still needs our help to find what she wants," he said with a disappointed look on his face that made Rere sick.

    "Look, Cleo Atmaja Wijaya and Jessica Afdhal Malika. You come into this shop, look for the cargo pants, pay for it, you're back. It's troublesome."

    "Jessi wants the one with the picture of the apple being bitten, Re. And we haven't found it yet," Cleo explained again.

     Rere frowned. "What pants do you want to buy, do you want to buy a cellphone?"

   "Ish it's okay. You guys are noisy and I can't think. It's okay to just buy what's available," Jessi decided then entered a shop that was right behind them. Clothing stores with well-known brands in Indonesia.

    "You're right. Jessi is getting annoyed, isn't she!" Cleo exclaimed then followed Jessi inside. Leaving Rere silent with his confusion.

    "It's me who is stupid, are they the smart ones?"


   Just as Rere was about to leave the clothing store, his cell phone rang. He dug it in his trouser pocket. Seeing that there was one man's name from his best friend's lover on the screen.

    He immediately accepted it and pressed the dark blue flat object to his ear.

    "Hello! Why Zan?" he asked, still walking out and standing by the barrier.

    "Re, are you with Jessi?" he asked to the point.

   Rere who was asked then looked into the shop where his two friends were still there.

     "Yes. He is shopping with Cleo with him. Why?"

    There was a sigh of relief on the other side. Rere just stood there waiting.

     "Thank God, I've been contacting him since then because I've never been active. I'm relieved to hear that you're with him again. Please tell me, when you get home, tell me to call me," he said later.

    "Oh okay. That's all? Anything else?" Rere asked again.

    "No. That's all," he answered then the phone was disconnected.

    Rere also sighed after the connection was cut. He is no longer strange with Jessi's behavior towards Fauzan. He had reminded her many times, but Jessi kept repeating it.

   Jessi and Cleo were still inside. Rere was tired of seeing tight and mini women's clothes. He even amused himself to see it, even though it was only natural because of women's clothes. That's why he chose to leave first. Jessi and Cleo were paying for the groceries it seemed.


   Rere who brought a motorbike separated himself when they were going to the parking lot. Previously, he conveyed the message that Fauzan had told him earlier.

    "Oh yes, Jess. The last time you were shopping, Fauzan called me. Just asking you. But, he said when you got home, he was told to tell him the news," said Rere according to what Fauzan said.

    Jessi slapped her forehead after hearing that. He immediately reached for his cell phone in his bag, checked it, and sure enough. There were so many unanswered incoming calls and unread messages from his girlfriend.

    "I forgot to tell Fauzan. He must be really worried," he said sadly.

    "Why the hell, Jess? Do you always forget to tell Fauzan when you're with us? We never forbade you, right?"

    Jessi's face grew gloomy hearing everything Rere said. He also didn't know why, as if the notification had never been heard. Yet he still listened and even silenced it.

   "Forget it," he said quietly.

    Cleo quickly hugged Jessi's half body. Giving a deadly glare to Rere.

    "It's okay. The point is that it was a message from Fauzan," said Rere, turning his gaze away from Cleo.

    Jessi quickly contacted Fauzan. Soon the call was immediately connected to Fauzan's voice who immediately greeted and sounded worried.

    "By, are you okay?"

    "Sorry. I forgot the cellphone," said Jessi quietly. His eyes were filled with tears of guilt because of his behavior.

   "Yeah, it's okay if you're okay too. Are you home?"

    "Not yet. Just wanted to," he answered simply.

    "I'll pick you up! Wait there first!"

   Jessie nodded her head. Even though it was useless because Fauzan didn't see it either.

    The connection was disconnected unilaterally by Fauzan who immediately went to where Jessi was.

    Jessi put her phone back in her bag. He looked at his two friends in turn. However, when he saw Rere he lowered his head slightly in fear.

    "So go home with Fauzan?" Cleo asked.

    "Yes. He wants to pick up he said," Jessi answered slowly.

     "Well, let's wait until Fauzan comes," said Rere then in a lower tone.