
 Now the three of them are sitting on a wooden chair in the campus garden. Cleo was already here with them too. However, Rere still hadn't calmed down because of his challenge to Evelyn earlier.

 Cleo and Jessi just accompanied their friend who was worried too much. Afraid that something he had hidden for a long time would eventually be revealed by someone he didn't want to remember.

 "Oh come on Re, why are you still worried? Lyn didn't say anything earlier," said Cleo, who was honestly sick of seeing Rere, who was just silent with a sharp face, who knows what he was looking at.

 "Yeah, Rere Lyn won't really talk," Jessi added trying to calm Rere down.

 "We don't know that girl. She can't be trusted, Jes, Cle. It's clear she's a traitor," Rere replied, still unable to calm down. His trust in Evelyn was completely gone.

 "Yeah, why should you be afraid anyway? Just let Satria know everything. You said you didn't care, right?"