Truth Or Dare

Satria threw her body on the soft sofa. Tonight he couldn't sleep and as a result, he was just pacing incoherently. From the bedroom to the kitchen, stay in the living room and then enter the room again. To the living room again, just like that.

 He massaged his temples which were dizzy from not being able to sleep. Satria is not a person who likes to stay up late. His life is orderly and perfectly organized. He even had a curfew that he created himself despite only living alone.

 The cell phone that he had deliberately placed on the table kept ringing from earlier. Satria was lazy to interact with anyone, that's why he ignored all incoming calls.

 However, this time he gave up. Satria grabbed her cell phone and sat up straight. First, see who is calling at this time of night.

 "Rere? What are you doing kid?" he muttered before picking it up.


 "Sat, where are you? Apartment?"