
Lyn looked away again when Fauzan casually contacted Jessi in his own face. Without even thinking about how he felt. This is the first time for Fauzan to act like this during their relationship.

"So now you want to pick up Jessi?" Lyn asked warily afraid what was on her mind would actually happen.

"Yeah, sorry for him if he has to go out alone," he answered after placing his cellphone on the car dashboard.

"So what about me?"

Fauzan glared at Evelyn's question, which he thought was too strange.

"Yes, how? Go home," he answered so casually. Fauzan started doing his car.

"But, you took me home, right? My house is far from here," he said really scared if what was on his mind happened. He was afraid that Fauzan would drop him off on a deserted street like this.

Fauzan chuckled hearing that. His laughter started after that. He knew what Evelyn would be thinking if that was the question.