Time For Two

 "Why is it that every time I invite you to eat, you never want to eat at a fancy restaurant?" asked Fauzan while shoving a small meatball into his mouth.

"Isn't the meatball delicious?"

"It's delicious," answered Fauzan. Yes indeed this meatball is delicious, it makes him want it again and again.

"Well, if the roadside is delicious, why do you have to go to an expensive place to find good food? The difference is only one. In terms of service," Jessi answered Fauzan's first question earlier.

It's not the first time he's asked something like that and he always gets the same question from Jessi.

Fauzan saw what Jessi was eating, meatballs with red sauce because of the sauce and chili sauce. While hers is only clear with chili sauce without sauce.

"Don't eat too much sauce, honey. It's better to have a lot of chili sauce than a lot of sauce," he said, always reminding Jessi of something that Jessi kept repeating.

"Yes," he answered simply.