Nothing Is Better

Jessi put her foot on top of her left leg. Sit relaxed while leaning his back against the back of the sofa. He knew he was in court, but did he have to be afraid and continue to feel guilty? No need, right? Oh yeah, don't do what Jessi is doing in front of her parents because it's wrong if your parents are good people.

 "You still think of us as your parents, don't you? Always leave without permission. Doing this and that without our knowledge. Do you realize that what you are doing is wrong? Aware?" said Surya not stopping without wanting to hear a little explanation from Jessi.

 "You guys don't have time. Do you still remember that you have two children? Why are you so selfish thinking about yourself all the time," Jessi replied without looking at her parents. He prefers to play with the ropes of his shirt.

 "It's good that you talk like that? Always go against what your parents say. We are educating you!"