Everyone Knows

"Heart bypass. There's another blocked artery that requires immediate bypass."

 Everyone was silent. Alin immediately burst into tears, Jeni, who kept her head down, and Jessi, who smiled blankly.

 "Bun, the decision rests with you. Can I do the operation?" Jessi asked holding her mother's hand tightly.

 Alin looked at his daughter's face with sadness and full of tears. "Don't want to wait for papa first?" he asked still remembering if anyone was more responsible than him.

 "What should await me?"

 All eyes immediately turned to the source of the voice that had just asked. There, a few steps from them was Surya standing firmly with his bag.

 Alin got up from his seat and immediately ran to hug Surya, his husband tightly. He is weak, he needs support to continue to strengthen him.