The Story Of The Past Part II


 "Here's a ticket for the four of you!" Fauzan gave four concert tickets to four women who were gathered in front of him.

 "Asek to watch a free concert here!" Lyn exclaimed excitedly grabbing her share.

 Rere, Cleo and Jessi also took hers with gusto.

 "I know Jessi won't want to go if you don't come. So, what's wrong with me buying you guys too so I can go with Jessi," said Fauzan saying his intention and purpose was to buy them concert tickets.

 "Yes, whatever is important is free. Everything, right? Same snacks too?"

 "Yeah, it's fine. It's your own money when it comes to snacks," Fauzan answered quickly to Lyn's question, making the others laugh out loud.

 "Ask for giving out free concert tickets. Where's mine?" Daneo came with Satria and immediately offered his hand asking for his share to Fauzan.

 "Nothing. Buy it yourself. You're rich," answered Fauzan, hitting Daneo's hand down.