Meeting Plan

"You haven't been fired by your company yet?" asked Veve sarcastically without looking at his son who had just come to the dinner table for breakfast.

 "What the hell, Ma!" It has been two days since Fauzan has not worked because he is not feeling well. And today, he will start over a new leaf for an even more beautiful future. So that, when the time came, he could again persuade Jessi to return to a higher position.

 "How are you, Zan?" This kind of question is what Fauzan is waiting for from his parents as people who know about what happened the day before yesterday.

 "Better, Pah," answered Fauzan while spreading jam on his bread.

 "Good. If you want to be with Jessi, you have to get a proper position to accompany Jessi. Don't just as long as you have money but you don't have a position," said Argan advising good things that Fauzan would listen to. If conveyed well, then everyone would be able to digest it.