Get Better

 Because, loving does not mean we will be together forever. Loving is not about how long you last, but loving about how you hold yourself back so as not to hurt him. The happiness of someone you love doesn't only come from you, sometimes he gets hurt by accident. So, let him loose, give him trust, allow him to get the happiness he can't get from you. Then, everything will be fine. Even if you are hurt, not willing, believe me it won't be forever if you can accept it.

 Jessi spread her arms to welcome Fauzan into her arms. It's okay, maybe this will be the last time. Without any doubt, Fauzan immediately hugged Jessi's body, which was smaller than himself. Very close, as a material to pour his very deep longing.

 "You are the greatest. You will surely find something that makes you happier!" Jessi patted the man on the back very gently. In the past, he often did it to calm Fauzan when he was tired. This time, he did it as a farewell.