Cheap Gossip

 "May, how's the news, Jessi?" Cleo asked curiously as the two of them were having dinner now. This time it was Cleo who stayed at Maya's house because she was lazy with the empty house.

 "What's wrong Jessie?" asked Maya back while still relaxed with her meal.

 Cleo chuckled. Maya when she is eating, her brain becomes half. So, be advised if it's a bit loading.

 "Jessi is your friend, Cle?" asked a middle-aged woman who sat at the same table with Cleo and Maya tonight.

 "Yes, Auntie. He's now also entering the entertainment world," Cleo replied as he continued to eat.

 "Oh, since when? How come it seems so fast? Until there is news," he said in a slightly curt tone. That's how Maya's family is, don't be surprised.