
 Dimas has now sat down to join Jessi, Ayden and Alin. Alin even happily accepted Dimas' situation between them. However, Jessi thought otherwise. Ayden's face changed when Dimas started to sit on an empty chair.

 "How are you, Dimas? Why don't you ever come home?" asked Alin so attentively and paying attention to how Dimas was doing that he stroked the man's head and even the man's hand so tenderly and affectionately.

 This was the first time Jessi had seen her mother in her son's friend. Not even at Fauzan in the past. In fact, Alin only met Dimas a few times.

 "Okay, Mother. Sorry Dimas rarely stops by," he answered so politely.

 Ayden and Jessi were each busy with their meal. It's not that Jessi doesn't like Dimas being here. He just put himself as best as possible as Ayden's invited guest. After all, Alin ignored him, so there's no way Jessi would do the same, right?