
 Arriving at Satria's house, Fauzan was immediately busy turning on his cellphone to make a video. Tonight Fauzan is lazy to go home, so he chooses to stay overnight at Satria's house which happens to be empty today.

 "Why do you have to make a video? Just live it!"

 Fauzan thought about what Satria said. "But, will anyone watch if I'm live?"

 "Just try it yourself. If it's crowded, you can talk there," said Satria in answer to his friend's question.

 "Alright." Fauzan obeyed and started the live video.

 "He said Daneo wanted to come here," said Satria after reading a message from one of his friends again.

 "Yeah," he replied, focusing on the camera. View records of people who watched the live. There were only a few dozen people. Fauzan needs a lot of people for him to be able to say what he wants to say.


 Rere just got home at eight o'clock tonight. He finished from the cafe first to check everything before going home.