
Jessi picked up her microphone again after Daneo finished speaking and after the loud voices of greetings from the students returned to silence.

 "Earlier, Kak Fauzan said, what's the point in mentioning the name of the faculty, maybe even GPA. I started to want to answer what my goal is." Everyone then opened their ears when Jessi spoke like that. They seemed amazed to hear Jessi who spoke firmly but didn't sound boring to the ears.

 "My goal in mentioning the name of the faculty and even my GPA is, I want to make you jealous. Why? Because, with you having envy in your hearts towards me, it will grow a sense of will to match me. How come there is still a higher GPA than me You have proven that you can surpass me. Ah, one more thing, Fauzan and I graduated after three and a half years of our study at law school."