Promise Not To Get Sick

 The news has spread so widely that it may be all over Indonesia. People who don't know Jessi yet think that woman is disgusting, shameless. And maybe on the list of people they don't want to know. For people who really don't like their relationship with Ayden, use it as bait to stretch their relationship. Just like what people say they don't want Fauzan to be hurt, it becomes a joke for them to laugh at Jessi's fate now. And for the people who have always supported Jessi, this is a test of their loyalty. Some have died and some have survived. Some doubted even believed the news, some believed Jessi if the news was a lie.

 Comments also took turns to enliven her social media so Jessi had to delete all her social media first to calm her mind.

 Everyone was trying hard to convince Jessi that it wasn't a big deal and it would pass.