
 And in the end, all will lose if God is the opponent. The biggest reason Rere chooses to hold back his feelings even though he now knows about Satria's feelings for him. Cleo and Daneo became clear evidence that he should not just step and make decisions just because of a momentary feeling.

 There is no wind, there is no rain, let alone a storm, tonight Rere wants to stay at Cleo's house. Because usually he never wants to stay at his friends' house. The reason was because Rere wasn't used to the new place.

 "You and Daneo never had any intention of being serious?" Rere asked again after all this time Cleo was silent and didn't even answer his first question.

 Cleo laughed sarcastically. His gaze was still fixed on the television screen that had changed to a movie. They don't focus on what they're watching at all.
