
 "Wow, the game is getting further and further. I won't be surprised if they finally go public!" Daneo exclaimed excitedly. Since earlier he was watching a video clip of Jessi and Ayden hugging. It just makes Fauzan sick. If it wasn't in front of him, Fauzan wouldn't have a problem, but from earlier on, Daneo was talking like he was deliberately trying to provoke his emotions.

 Satria is just a loyal spectator. Without responding to anything, he was busy observing his surroundings.

 "Again, say don't come with me, okay?"

 Then, Daneo laughed with great satisfaction because he finally managed to irritate Fauzan.

 "Yeah, yeah, I'll shut up," said Daneo, licking his lips, which still wanted to laugh.

 "Come on, don't listen to it. After all, why is Jessi going out with Ayden? It suits them too," said Satria, who had been silent for a while and instead defended Daneo.