
 Everyone is out right now to enjoy their time in this place which won't be long. At least tomorrow they will go home, the important thing is that Jessi already knows where her father is and how his life is.

 Jessi reached into her jeans pocket to take out her cell phone, but it wasn't there. Seems to be left behind at the villa.

 "Why, Jess?" asked Fauzan who saw Jessi confused.

 "I think I left my cellphone at the villa. I'll take it first!"

 "Let me just do it, Jess. I want to take my wallet too," said Fauzan, who Jessi couldn't refuse. After all, he was relaxing watching the scenery of the rice fields that he rarely saw.

 "Where are you going, Zan?" asked Satria seeing that Fauzan had moved from his seat.

 "Want to go back to the villa first, take Jessi's cellphone and my wallet," he answered.

 "Together then. I have something to take care of too. And, you accompany Jessi here, Fauzan and I want to go back to the villa first."