Guest Arrival

"Who?" Cleo asked curiously as Jessi pulled out her cell phone which kept ringing.

 "Ayden, I'll take a second," answered Jessi and then began to put the flat object to her ear after it was connected. Meanwhile Cleo continued to eat snacks while watching tv. While the owner of the house is working outside, so the two of them will control the house. After all, it's a shame that Rere is still opening his cafe until this evening.

 "Hello!" said Jessi after the object stuck to her ear.

 "Finally it was picked up. Oh, you're a bitch, where have you been? Don't worry about it," Ayden said, talking non-stop, making Jessi wince softly because he made other people worry because of him.

 "Sorry, I'm really sorry for worrying you. But I really don't mind, really. So don't worry anymore," he said with the hope that Ayden wouldn't be angry with him.