The Best Partner

"What time will I pick you up?"

 "I don't know. New people have come too. I'll let you know when I come back."

 Not much to say anymore, Jeno let Jessi out of the car then when his sister brought all the things with the help of her manager she didn't help at all. I don't know, Jeno turned back to how he used to be.

 "How was the last three days? Are you satisfied with your vacation?" Maya asked as they walked together into a room that must have been crowded.

 "It's safe. It's quite calm too. Thank you for the reason for the leave," he said sincerely. Because it was Maya who helped him give an excuse to Mr. Eko.

 "You're welcome. The important thing is that you are calm and can forget all your current problems."

 Jessi smiled so gently in exchange for a hug.