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"Why are you looking at me like that? Are you just like a jury, or maybe you like me?"

 Jessi snorted lazily hearing Ayden's ramblings now. He had just finished with his scene not long after Jessi continued to stare.

 They both turned around with Jessi folding her arms and Ayden hugging her tightly.

 "Smell the sun," Jessi snorted as she covered her nose to tease Ayden. Originally where there was a smell of sweat, it actually made it more comfortable.

 "It's delicious. There's nothing in Ayden's dictionary that smells like the sun. Huh!" her cheers let go of Jessi's shoulders in annoyance. He didn't really like it when someone called him that, really didn't like it.

 Succeeded, Jessi laughed with satisfaction and then chased after the man who had walked first.

 "Yeah, it doesn't stink," said Jessi then hugged Ayden from the side, almost causing Ayden's unprepared body to wobble. Immediately he returned Jessi's hug and they laughed together.