
"Well it's okay. Sorry to bother you," he said, really feeling guilty and afraid that Ayden would object to his presence.

 Jessi withdrew her hand and sat properly. Seeing Jessica's drastic change, Ayden immediately pulled the woman's hand back around his arm.

 "It's okay, don't let go!"

 "Really? Is it okay?" she asked with her adorable face.

 Ayden gave a genuine smile and nodded his head.

 Something that close really became the focal point of many people to the point of causing cheers.


 What Ayden and Jessi did was caught on live cameras so many saw how adorable they were.

 Making one of his online viewers heated up with jealousy.

 Fauzan did refuse Satria and Daneo's invitation to come in person, but he still watched it online. Lazy if you have to come and have to see firsthand how their moment. Jessi who also didn't let go of her hand from Ayden was able to make Fauzan even more fed up.