Just Believe

"Come on!"

 Jessi returned to Ayden, who was still accompanying Jeno to eat at the dining table. Ayden immediately stood up from his seat and went straight to Jessi leaving her sister.

 "Are you done? Let's go!" Ayden held out his open hand. ask for Jessi's hand too. However, Jessi immediately left first, leaving Ayden without saying goodbye to Jeno.

 The relationship between brother and sister is back to how it used to be, which was cold and not close at all. They again ignored each other. Especially now that Jessi always goes to shoot and is picked up by her manager. So, the more there is no time for Jeno to improve their situation.

 Ayden was stunned because Jessi just left. He immediately followed after saying goodbye through the code to Jeno.

 "Are you having a problem or what?" Ayden asked after they were both safely seated in the car.

 "Nothing," Jessi answered simply.