
Jessi's words, which Jeno couldn't answer this morning, managed to occupy his focus all day at work. He tried to remember what memory he had forgotten. Until a name crossed his mind.

 "Sir, a client from Japan has arrived," said a woman who was Jeno's personal secretary.

 "Ah yes, just tell me to go to the meeting room first!" Jeno ordered. He had to get out of all thoughts about himself. Now is the time he has to work before there is a lecture this afternoon.


 Jase was surprised by the sudden arrival of a man at his door.

 "Fauzan? What are you doing here?"

 "I want to meet Surya uncle. Is he there?"

 The woman who is Jessica's twin was amazed by how different the man was when he talked to her and when she was with Jessica.

 "Come in first. Papa is gardening," he answered, then opened the door as wide as possible for Fauzan to enter.

 Fauzan entered and immediately sat on the sofa without being invited.