Persuade Cleo

At six in the morning they even started to take. The artists and crew were made to wake up earlier than usual. For some people, the morning person may be a common thing, Jessica for example. However, for people who just woke up at ten o'clock this was torture. They even sleep early in the morning, but for the sake of totality and professionalism they still work on it.

 Daneera, Jeff, Tiara and Tian who only had afternoon calls. Meanwhile, Jessi, Ayden, Aghnia, and Andre also finished at ten o'clock and could go home before tonight came again for further shooting.

 Jessi had already had breakfast and was taking her medicine and vitamins when filming started. He was so enthusiastic about filming with a cool morning atmosphere like this. Because, usually he shoots when the sun is directly overhead.

 "I'm really excited, honey," Ayden said as he worked out to stretch his body so it wouldn't stiffen.

 "Cheer up. It's still early," he replied so cheerfully.