Best Friend

Ayden took Jessi out for lunch because he was also bored with the boxed rice that was always given to him.

 They eat pecel catfish on the roadside wearing masks and hats very tightly. They just want to eat quietly without being disturbed by others. Not wrong right?

 Arriving at the place to eat, then they took off their masks but still kept the exact same black hat.

 "Well this is my regular place to eat, Jess," said Ayden pulling a chair for Jessica to sit down.

 "It's okay if you eat here, right?"

 Jessie chuckled at that. "Yes, it's okay. Why is that?"

 "Eh Bro Ayden, as usual?" asked the salesman coming over to Ayden and Jessica who were already seated. A place that is still quiet is an advantage for both of them to be more free.

 "Yeah, as usual."

 The merchant returned to his place to immediately make Ayden's order. Don't let the customer be disappointed with it.

 "Have you eaten pecel catfish yet?"