Talk To Two

 "Yes, come in!" The voice from inside made Jase's heart work even harder. He slowly touched the door knob and opened it slowly.

 Their eyes met when the door opened. The woman's eyes turned first and seemed to be back to continuing her activities at the beginning. Jase walked in and closed the door again.

 "Jess?" he called softly with intertwined hands. Jase glanced at the nightstand beside the bed that had food marks on it. Thank goodness Jessica had eaten.

 "Yes?" he answered quietly without even looking at Jase. His gaze focused on outside the window which displayed shady trees that were so refreshing to the eyes.

 "Here!" Jase was stunned when Jessi patted the empty space next to him asking Jase to sit down. According to him, Jase walked hesitantly over to the place.

 Just sitting next to Jessica was so stressful. It was their first time sitting together in so many years.