Subtle Rejection

"Jes? How was last night?" asked Andin so curious to know what happened last night.

 "What happened last night?" asked Jessica who did not understand what her assistant was asking. Now, they were on their way to the set at around ten in the afternoon.

 "Huh! Don't pretend you don't understand. That's it, what about when you're escorted by Ayden?"

 Jessi still didn't understand. He really doesn't understand.

 "What do you mean? Do you still have to ask how he delivered me?"

 Andin chuckled annoyed and rolled his eyes, lazy to hear Jessica's reply, which seemed like it was intentional.

 "I mean, you two were talking about something like that? Who knows if Ayden shot you like that last night."

 Jessi coughed at the minimum when Andin asked that question. Really weird.

 "What?" He returned his water bottle to the back seat near his bag.

 "Yeah, who knows."