

 Jessi turned to the door that already showed her friends who had arrived with a bunch of fruit they had brought. Jessi was obviously so happy, wanted to immediately spread her arms but the movement alone was very difficult for her to do.

 "Wa'alaikum salam," answered the people in the room.

 Rere, Cleo, Satria and Daneo also greeted Surya and Alin alternately as parents there.

 Cleo immediately moved quickly to hug Jessica so tightly. It was witnessed directly by around five thousand Jessi's live audience now.

 This time Rere, who was usually prestige, immediately hugged Jessi after their hugs were released.

 "I don't usually want to hug me," said Jessi, breaking the hug between them.

 Ree huffed in annoyance. He hated the word "unusual" like that. Especially seeing Jessica's innocent smile now.

 "Yeah, it's not going to happen. Hug again, please!"