Masked Man

Annabel held her eyes shut for a while, scared to look at it, scared the surprise wouldn't surprise her. She didn't want to break his heart. She knew he had put in a lot of effort into whatever he had planned, it explained why he wasn't home for some days.

" You can look now Annabel." He said, suddenly afraid she wouldn't like it. He didn't know much about surprisea but he tried his best he could. She braced herself and opened her eyes. She stood there shocked and surprised.

Why would anyone go through this pain for her? Why would a Master go this length for a pet?.

Tears rolled down her cheeks.

It had been long she had seen something so beautiful and the first time a male would do this for her.

" Did I do something wrong?.' He asked innocently, confused to see her crying. ' I knew I was bad at surprises. It's okay if you don't like it, we can just go anywhere else you like." He said sadly. He had put in so much effort to see her smile but instead he had made her cry.