Chapter 47

" Can I have my breakfast now?." King Centroid asked, staring at the Queen's face.

" I'm sorry my King but there is no food, the palace pets are down." She replied at bit worried about the turn of event.

" So that means I will go hungry in my own Palace." He replied angrily.

" I'm sorry but I think so, we are all starving presently." She replied nonchalantly.

" You think so? Queen I am the King of the Blood city, I don't starve." He said angrily.

" Well I am also the Queen of the blood city and see I'm starving." She replied rudely.

It wasn't her fault so why was he trying to pass the aggression out on her. What was she supposed to do when the flu had spread.

The King paced around in his room for a while, " Call me Ran on your way out." He said while backing her.

" On my way out? Are you asking me to leave?." She asked, annoyed.