His slave

' number 1702.' The man with the weird teeth screamed aloud, leaving a grin on his face.

Annabel watched as the other slave master pushed a blonde boy in his thirteenth out, he had on a brown rag like uniform and handcuff on, just like every one of them. The little boy had a tear on his face, his face all swollen up.

' This pet is sure a stubborn one.' One of the audience teased, making the others laugh.

' Well he is but he sure will make a good tool, trust me. 30 bucks.' 

She watched as the murmur continued, some disagreeing and some smiling at the price of the innocent boy.

' I will pay 20 bucks, nothing more than that.' A woman on a black silk gown, a red hat and a black shade spoke out. She looked like she would be in her thirties.

' Anybody else.' Hammoc the head of the slave master said, staring into the space.

There was silence. Nobody was willing to buy him.

' He won't be good for sex.' One said.