Her master

A week later.

It was morning again, time for all the Masters and pets to have breakfast. Alac walked down to join without Annabel, she had been too tired to crawl down and had begged to stay back.

' I don't care if you are weak, all I know is I feed on you everyday and any time I please.' He had said and walked out.

Annabel had been shaken by his words and started to curse her luck for running out on her this time.

If he feeds on me everyday, I will definitely be dead in no time.

She thought.

' She is not joining today?.' Mackie said, worried about what could have happened to Annabel. Alac was known for getting his pets killed one way or another.

' It, not she and yes my pet is too tired to join for breakfast.' Alac said sounding monster like.

' This is the fifth time she I mean it is missing breakfast in a row. Do you have anything to tell us Alac.' Mackie said, scared that the poor girl could be dead.