Dashing out

" I swear Master that I didn't steal it. I found it Master, I did." She said sobbing and her voice was shaking so badly. She could swear on anything that she didn't even though she knew they wouldn't believe the words of a pet to that of a Princess. She had a witness and knew she would be saved.

" Found it, where?." The King asked, showing a little sympathy for the pet.

" The old storeroom. I had gone there with Number 3 to clean it up by the orders of Master Malburt." She said.

" Me! I did no such thing." He screamed. Furious at how far she lied.

" But Master. Number 3 came to call me telling me that you gave the order." She sobbed.

" Number 3!." Master Malburt screamed and she crawled over to him, trying to hide her fear.

" Did you really do such?." He asked.

" No Master. Up until this breakfast, I haven't set my eyes on her." She said, denying the truth.