Her princess

He saw the puzzled look on her face and let out a dry laugh.

" Of course not Annabel." He replied, rolling the pillow in his hand.

" Really?." She asked feeling more at ease. Suddenly she trusted this Monster. He had to be her Master at least only that would explain how he got in and why her Master isn't there.

Was that was he looked like?.

" Yes." He replied and laughed.

" Okay." She said and settled on the bed at the other side. Even though she believed him, she didn't trust him.

" Now will you please hand me the key?." He asked politely.

" And may I ask why?." She asked and placed a hand under her chin.

" Because I don't want you to see me in my Wolf form." He said sadly and looked down. He was scared she would stop loving him if she found out what he really looked like.

" And why is that Master?." She asked.