That's the girl

Jasper stared at Sir Edwardo Williams, his personality was a bit intimidating because of the power he possesses but he remained calm. The rest of Raina's family was staring at him, waiting for a reply.

"I am just her personal bodyguard and driver sir." Jasper replied politely.

"Are you that close with my daughter?" Madam Diane added another question.

All this interrogation just because he carried her into the house? He felt like he has made a mistake in helping her out. Now he has to answer weird and uncomfortable questions from the Williams family.

"I don't know how close you mean. But we're close enough as we are supposed to be. I know my place madam." He replied again calmly.

"You must be really special to be allowed and given such privileges. My sister never allows anyone to touch her especially carrying her the way you did." Freida said.