DBS Watches DBZ Movies (Up for Adoption) by SilverSoulmmc (DBZ)

Summary: The beautiful and talented Bulma Briefs has created a machine that will allow her, her friends, and her family to watch other timelines. What different kind of situations could their alternate selves get into? Well, they're about to find out.

Link: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13924070/1/

Word count:65k


Chapter 1

NOTE: I literally told myself to not start another story until I finished one of the ones I've already been working on, but I guess I'm a liar. Anyway, the title to this story gives it away. The characters of DBS will be watching the canon versions of the DBZ movies in order. I plan to make each movie a singular chapter and will only split them in parts if I'm feeling incredibly lazy. And this fic is only the Z movies, so that will include the movie versions of Battle of Gods and Resurrection F.

This fic takes place after the Tournament of Power and before the Super Broly Movie. So, their first reaction to Broly will be Z Broly and that will be a doozy.

I have no idea when I'll upload the 2nd chapter for this, but I'm sure it won't take too long. I do plan to finish each and every one of my stories unless something forces me to stop them.

Enjoy and Review!

I do not own Dragon Ball Z or Dragon Ball Super.

Chapter 1: Temporal Viewing Screen!

Within the bustling city known as West City stood a compound of buildings known as Capsule Corp. The compound was home to the famous Briefs Family, the ones responsible for many of the technological advancements in this world.

Inside of the large round building was a messy unkempt lab that belonged to the world renowned Bulma Briefs, the CEO of Capsule Corp. Her sea bright blue hair was in a messy bun, and a dirty white overcoat covered her shoulders. The woman looked as if she hadn't left the lab in days.

The doors to the room suddenly opened up and a short male around her height entered the room. His dark eyes set into a permanent glare as his white boots clicked across the tiled floor of the lab. The man had black spiky hair that pointed straight into the air and wore a blue full-body jumpsuit with armor over it. This man was Vegeta, her husband and father of her kids Trunks and Bulla.

"Woman! How long are yo-"


Vegeta jumped back in surprise from his wife's sudden proclamation. The scientist had her hands raised into the air, she turned around to see her husband. Removing her goggles, Bulma grew a confused expression. "Vegeta? What are you doing in here?"

The Prince regained his composure and gave his wife a baffled look. "What am I doing!? What are you doing!? You've been cooped up in here for the last two weeks working on some project! What the hell are you even doing in here!?" Vegeta got right into her face.

His attitude caused her annoyance to spike. "Who do you think you're getting an attitude at, Mister!?" Bulma's finger pressed against his chest. "I've been slaving away at this device and this is the kind of reception I receive for working so hard!?"

"What kind of device requires you to spend two weeks in this filthy lab!?" Vegeta questioned. His eyes gazing around the messy lab.

"I was going to tell you and the others just now! But, since Mr. Saiyan Prince wants his demands. I'll just show you now!" Bulma walked over to the large machine that was covered by an equally large blanket. Removing the sheet, she revealed a giant TV-like device with a keyboard and touchpad below it.

Vegeta raised an eyebrow at the device. "What is this? Something for you and Kakarot's wife to watch your soap operas?"

"No! I already finished that yesterday!" Bulma pointed towards the corner of the room where a similar device sat, though it was much smaller and had medium sized boom boxes attached. Vegeta sweatdropped at the fact that Bulma actually made something like that.

"This!" Her finger tapped the touchpad screen of the device. When it turned on, Bulma pressed a few keys on the keyboard to activate the entire device. "Is something that I've had in mind to create for a couple of years now. Though, I never got around to doing it, because of the lack of resources at the time. Then, I kinda forgot about it," Bulma stuck out her tongue cutely, turning to her husband. Her face changed into an annoyed expression at her husband's lack of humor.

"That doesn't explain why you were so damn adamant to create this," Vegeta said.

"Since you don't have a single funny bone in your body, I'll skip the whole introduction speech. This device is capable of viewing into different timelines," Bulma took amusement at Vegeta's face shifting into one of shock.

"WHAT!? EXPLAIN, WOMAN!" Vegeta demanded.

The inventor giggled at him. "You see, Vegeta. Ever since the Trunks from the future arrived in our timeline to warn us about the Androids, I've been interested in inventing time travel. However, at the time I wouldn't have been able to build one and even now I have no plans to build one. It's just that him appearing back here during that whole Goku Black mess made me remember this idea of mine," Bulma explained.

Vegeta walked over to her, gazing up at the machine. "If that's the case, then how come you didn't tell me beforehand?" He asked her.

"Didn't want to risk getting in trouble with Lord Beerus or Whis at the time and you guys were busy dealing with Goku Black. Then, the whole Tournament of Power happened, but with all of that done I was able to focus on this," Bulma smiled.

"What do you plan to do with it? Talk to different versions of us?" Vegeta asked.

"Not really. Like I said, this device mainly lets us view them and not interact. Hopefully, that goes over well with Lord Beerus," Bulma said.

"And what reason would he exactly care about this machine? Unless…" Vegeta trailed off. Looking into his wife's eyes and figuring out what she had planned. Face palming at her nervous laugh, Vegeta sighed. "That's just great…"

"Wow! So, this will let us watch other worlds and stuff?" Goku asked Bulma as he and family moved to take their seats.

"Yup! I call it the "Temporal Viewing Screen"! A way for us to see different versions of ourselves and how different they are," Bulma explained to her best friend. After her conversation with Vegeta a couple of days ago, Bulma had him transport the machine into their home theater. Afterwards she made sure to schedule a day where all of their friends and family would be able to come over and watch.

"I do hope this isn't going against any rules, Bulma or else there will be consequences," Lord Beerus threatened. The purple cat God of Destruction sat in his seat, surrounded by many different platters of food.

"Oh, I'm sure it'll be fine, Lord Beerus. Since, this isn't directly time travel it doesn't break any of the laws. So, you won't have to fear, Lord Zeno. OH! Bulma this soufflé is simply delicious, you must give me the recipe!" Whis the attendant exclaimed in delight.

Beerus banged his fist on the table. "I'M NOT SCARED, WHIS!" He screamed, but he was ignored as Whis and Bulma were talking. Beerus grumbled in anger at being ignored and turned back towards his food. He paused when he saw a hand reaching towards his plate and grabbed it. Beerus found Son Goku trying to sneak some of his food.

Realizing that he's been caught, Goku laughed. "Hehe, sorry Lord Beerus," Goku tried to laugh it off. However, the glare from the God meant that he didn't find it even remotely funny.

Gohan watched as his father was sent flying across the theater, sighing at his father's antics. His wife Videl giggled at the scene, their daughter Pan also laughing in her arms. "When will Dad ever learn?" Gohan wondered.

"Your Dad learning not to steal other people's food? I don't think that's possible, Gohan," Videl answered.

"I guess so. What do you think we'll see from these different worlds?" Gohan asked.

"Hopefully nothing disturbing or scary for Pan. Though, I wouldn't mind seeing some action of course," Videl smiled at the thought. Even though she had stopped fighting, it didn't mean she didn't like seeing a good fight from time to time.

Gohan smiled at Videl's beautiful smile. "Yeah, I'm sure Bulma wouldn't let the kids see anything they shouldn't. I wouldn't mind seeing another version of you," Gohan said. His wife blushed from his words.

"I wouldn't mind seeing another you as well, Gohan," Two shared a kiss.

"EW! GROSS! GROSS!" The two adults broke their kiss to see Goten and Trunks behind them. The two kids gagged at the sight of affection.

Gohan rounded on them immediately. "Boys! You two shouldn't be sneaking up on people like that!"

Trunks rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah. Nobody wants to watch you guys do all of that anyway."

"Sorry, Gohan," Goten apologized to his older brother. He didn't want the chances of his mother telling him off for being disrespectful, no matter how much fun he found teasing Gohan to be.

"It's fine, boys. Just be mindful," Videl told them. They nodded and moved away from the couple.

Trunks sighed in exasperation. "Trust me, Goten. You'll never see me act like that with anyone ever," the Heir told his best friend.

"Really?" Goten asked.

"Yup, no lovey dovey behavior from me at all."

"Hey, Trunks."

"Hey, Mai. Anyway Go-" Trunks froze at the sight of his crush sitting the seats with her two cohorts next to her. His face turned red at the sight of her. "M-M-M-M-Mai! W-What are y-you doing here!?" Trunks squeaked.

She tilted her head in confusion. "I'm here to watch these different worlds obviously, what else would I be doing here?"

"O-Of course! I knew that...hehe…" Trunks wanted to hit himself for asking such a stupid question. Goten saw his best friend's behavior and began to giggle.

"Yeah, you'll never be like that, Trunks."

Over on the other end of the theater sat Krillin and his family. The short man saw the kids talking over to the side, and turned to his daughter. "Hey, Marron. Why don't you go over and sit with Goten and Trunks? Bet, you'll have more talking with them," Krillin suggested.

The small blond looked over to see her two friends and nodded her head. "Yeah! I'll go over to them, Daddy."

"Be careful, Marron. If anything happens just tell us," 18 instructed her daughter.

"I'll be fine, Mama," Marron replied and ran over to her friends. Krillin smiled and turned over to his wife.

"Will 17 be joining us?" Krillin asked.

"He said that he'll do his best to make it, but no guarantees," 18 informed him.

"What do you hope to see, 18?" Krillin asked. He at least was hoping for nothing too bad, and nothing that would paint him in a bad light in front of his wife and daughter.

"I don't really expect too much, as long as it doesn't involve anything inappropriate or else Bulma will be answering to me," 18 replied. Krillin chuckled nervously at his wife's behavior and prayed for Bulma's safety.

In the back sat Piccolo and Dende, both of them conversing with each other. Mr. Popo had opted to stay on the Lookout, so that Dende could come down and have fun with the others. The younger Namekian looked at Piccolo. "I wonder if I'll be able to see Kami?"

That got Piccolo's attention. "What brought this up?"

"I'm just curious to see my predecessor before he fused with you. Mr. Popo always tells me stories of how kind and wonderful Kami was. I'm just excited at the premise of finally being able to see him," Dende explained.

"Hmph, I'm sure you'll be satisfied. Kami would definitely appreciate all you've done in his place," Piccolo complimented.

"Thanks Piccolo," Dende smiled.

"Ah, Buu! Don't fall asleep now!"

The two Namekians sweatdropped at the sight of Hercule trying to wake up the sleeping Buu. Videl watched from a distance and sighed. "Give it up Dad. You know he won't be waking up anytime soon."

"Yeah yeah, I know," Hercule sighed and went to sit next to his daughter and Gohan. The man's face brightened up at the sight of his Granddaughter.

"Oh, my precious Pan! Did you miss your Grandpa!?" Hercule bounced her up and down. The baby laughed at her Grandpa's face.

Near the front of the theater sat the rest of the human Z-Fighters. Roshi was niggling like a madman.

"I hope to see something that'll get this old man's blood pumping! Ya kno-"


The old man was knocked down onto the floor from a ranged attack from Chi-Chi's frying pan. The housewife had heard him and took it upon herself to stop him before he could get started. Turtle just sighed at the recurring sight of Roshi digging his own grave.

"What do you expect, Yamcha?" Puar asked.

"Heh, if anything I'm sure there will be cool scenes of me in them. I don't expect anything else," Yamcha smirked, looking cool for Puar.

Chiaotsu turned to Tien. "How about you, Tien. I'm sure you're expecting something related to training, right?"

"That's correct, Chiaotsu. If I can learn something to improve myself from these different worlds then it'll be worth it," Tien answered his friend's question.

Behind them was Chi-Chi, Goku, and Ox-King. Goku wincing from the punch that Beerus hit him with.

"I'm fine, Chi-Chi," Goku chuckled at his wife's fussing.

"Still, you need to do better to set a better example for Goten and Pan! You can't keep going around and stealing other people's food, especially from a God of Destruction!" Chi-Chi scolded.

"Hehe, I'll remember that for next time," Goku responded.

"Yeah yeah, I'm sure you will," Chi-Chi sighed.

The Ox-King looked joyful at his daughter and son-in-law. "Anything you looking forward to? The last time anything involving time travel happened it involved Trunks," The Ox-King said.

Goku started thinking, though his answer was pretty obvious. "Well, I definitely want to see some cool fights! Any strong opponents in these different worlds could show up here, right? It'd be pretty fun!" Goku spoke, his voice full of excitement.

"Of course that's what's on your mind. Me? I hope to see some, where my boys are working honest and good lives. And where Goku has a job," Chi-Chi began to fantasize about the endless possibilities.

The Ox-King began to chuckle at the married couple. The both of them have the same wishful look on their face, but for completely different reasons.

"Ahem! Ahem!"

Everyone in the theater turned to see Bulma and Vegeta standing in front of the machine. "If you would all please take your seats, we can begin the viewing!" Bulma announced. Everyone in the audience quieted down for Bulma.

"Alright, now that we're all ready to start. I'll turn on the machine and get this party started!" Bulma turned around to the and touched the pad. After pressing some keys on the keyboard the big screen lit up, and on it appeared a blue and white helix.

The helix began to spiral together, generating an abundance of energy around it. Then, it turned black and lit up once more. On it a singular word appeared on the screen in bold text.


Link: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13924070/1/