Tomorrow, Before Yesterday Begins by staryty (One Piece)

Summary: Summary: Gol D. Roger expected himself to be in the afterlife after his execution. Instead, he found a seven-year-old boy wearing his most precious straw hat.


Word count:106k(COMPLETE)



It was a fine day under the bright sun. He closed his eyes as he felt the warmth of its brilliant rays. The sea breeze was slowly blowing in his face, providing him a cool feeling in his last moments. The skies were the perfect hue, light blue in color. He opened his eyes and stared at the seagulls flopping their wings in the horizon, flying and enjoying their freedom.

Every movement he made was watched under scrutiny by the bystanders in the plaza. People from all around the globe were present in this whole fiasco the World Government has organized. The only thing heard was his footsteps as he slowly walked to his demise. Everyone was too focused on him to say anything. He didn't mind the people, just focusing in the scenery laid right in front of his eyes. After all, it has been years since he was last here.

It was all too good for an execution.

He's going to die today.

He was never afraid of dying. Ever since he started his piracy life, he knew someday he was going to face death. A man should never gave up on his dreams even if it meant death. But unlike others, he will die with his head held up high showing dignity. He had fulfilled his dreams, to be the freest man on the seas. He even choose the way of how he will die, getting executed on his hometown. He liked being the center of attention especially now that he had something great to say for the people present.

He has been prepared for it for months. There was no point in turning back. He always liked to live his life without any regrets. But still, he will die with one.

Gol D. Roger, the man who acquired everything; wealth, fame, and power. The man who is now known as the King of the Pirates, was facing his execution. After surrendering himself to the Marines, they decided to do it in this place.

Loguetown. It was his birthplace. The town where he was born and ironically, the place where he will face death.

Nostalgia struck the Pirate King hard. He remembered his childhood here. This place was the last island on East Blue before the Red Line. A lot of ships always docked here for supplies. Let it be merchants, crusaders, marines or pirates. He always wanted to talk to people about their adventure. That was what inspired him to be a pirate. The sea just seemed to be a place where he can attain freedom. And he was glad that before he will die, he managed to succeed attaining freedom.

Even in when facing execution, Roger still carried an air of respect and fear among the people. Most people only gathered for one thing, to know where his treasure is. Others just liked the idea of seeing the most infamous pirate in history to have his head chopped up.

Among the crowds, Roger saw some familiar faces. Some of his crewmen were here to witnessed it. Most notably for him, two of his apprentices. Shanks and Buggy. He made a promise with them to not cry but it was obviously something that they cannot fulfill. Both of the boys had tears falling from their eyes like waterfalls.

He was on top of the platform now, seeing every part of Loguetown. His black eyes were focused more on the sky rather than below were he can finally here the people's whisper buzzing, growing into volume as seconds passed by.

"Have you got any last words?"

Roger turned to him and grin widely. He held his handcuffs. "Can you please remove this? It's bothering me."

"I cannot do that!" The guard snapped.

"Why would I run away now?" Roger asked, scoffing.

He continue to walk a few meters before sitting in the center of the platform. It was taking too long.

"Hurry up and finish it." He said, unbothered.

The two guards move their spears. Ready to strike him any second now. The once small whispers grew to be loud yellings. The atmosphere was tense as they stared atop of the platform with wide eyes. This was a historical moment. The death of the Pirate King in front of them. It was not something you experienced twice in your life.

And all of the sudden, the screamings broke. A man brave enough in the crowds started yelling.

"Pirate King! What did you do to your treasure!? It's somewhere in the Grand Line, isn't it? The greatest treasure in the world!"

"Shut up!" The guard barked, angrily below.

The man did not mind him and continued. "One Piece!"

At that moment, everyone tensed up. Humans are greedy creatures, never satisfied with anything in life and would always crave for more. They always ran after something that they'll never be able to grasp. They all thought his treasure consists of gold, money, or numerous jewelries. But was not the case for the treasure Roger will be leaving behind. It's more than that, it will be a treasure that will turn the world upside down.

Laughter started erupting from Roger's mouth. That laugh. It was exactly the same laugh he expressed when he was on Laugh Tale. Too bad though, he did not have the time to tell the story of Joy Boy had left behind on the Poneglyp of the last island.

"My treasure?" Roger flashed a toothy grin, ear to ear.

"Shut up!" The guard shouted as he move his spear further closer to him.

"If you want it, I'll let it have for you! Go look for it. I left it all in that place."

The last thing Roger remembered, was the people's shout of excitement.

He started the new Pirate Era.

"Not fair, Ace! Again!" Luffy whined loudly, standing up on his feet and ready for another round.

"Tch," Ace rolled his eyes, annoyed by his brother's antics. "How many time do I have to explain to you that we only fight one hundred times?"

"Luffy, we need to go now. We still need to find dinner." Sabo said, erasing the scoreboard and putting up a new score. A small smile formed in his lips.

"Why're you smiling like that, Sabo?" Luffy asked, tilting his head.

Sabo chuckled. "I beat Ace, of course."

"It won't happen again tomorrow." Ace stated with a scowl. "C'mon you two. It's hard finding hunting when it's dark."

Luffy and his two older brothers, Ace and Sabo, just finished their training of a hundred fights a day. In the end, Luffy did not win any fights. Which was expected by now. While Sabo on the other hand, won two fights more than Ace. This was their routine for a month now, deciding that they'll be stronger by helping each other in sparring. They thrived to be pirates, after all. A piracy life is not the easiest job out there but it will certainly give you the most freedom.

They started going down a familiar path in the mountains. Different kinds of plants were growing in the area, making everything surrounding them green. Ace was in the front, Sabo in the middle, and Luffy in the back. For them, this forest was home. They were on their way to the tree house, the one they had built with their own hands, strengthening their bonds as brothers.

Luffy was looking back on that day as they walked. Ace was the one who brought up the idea of being bond brothers, stealing sake and cups from Dadan who was still mad about it. Sabo and Luffy happily obliged, knowing that they will never be alone anymore. It would be the three of them against the world as they follow their dreams.

"Shihihihi." Luffy laughed loudly. "Being brothers is awesome don't you think?"

Ace turned and looked at him, eyebrows raised. "Weirdo, why're you telling us that?"

"Yes it is, Luffy." Sabo agreed, ignoring Ace's comment.

Sabo and Ace started to have a conversation of their own. Luffy just silently followed them in the back. His eyes were glued on the trees. A lot of interesting things were hanging from its branches. Luffy has always been a curious one. He wanted to know things that was not normally seen by him. Good thing for him, Sabo was smart and know how to answer most of his questions. Whether its from plants, mushrooms, or bugs, Sabo could explain most of them.

A small beetle caught the attention of the young rubbery boy. It was in one of the leaf probably five meters away from him. He stopped on his tracks and went over to the beetle. After all, it was not everyday you see an insect that was gold in color. It fascinated Luffy as beetles are his favorite bug. He went over to the bush were it was staying. Suddenly, the beetle started flying away. Luffy blinked a few times before he realized that it was going away. He chased after it, wondering if he could keep it as a pet.

Unbeknownst to his two older brothers, Luffy was not following them anymore.

Luffy kept chasing after the golden beetle. Its wings were fluttering too fast. He gritted his teeth and clenched his fist. Breathing in, he ran faster. Adrenaline filled his body as determination and stubbornness fueled his desire. He wanted that beetle and he will do everything just to get it.

After three minutes of running and tripping a few times, Luffy was in the beach by then. The beetle finally stopped on a log that was probably brought by the waves. Luffy cannot helped but to grin. He will get the insect now.

Luffy's step was cautious yet fast. He needed to be careful. Beetles was easily started when you try to catch them. Opening his hands widely, he finally caught the beetle in his hands.

"Yes!" Luffy exclaimed in excitement. He started chuckling to himself, enjoying the victory.

He opened his hands but the beetle was not in there anymore. A deep frown was formed in the young boy's face.

"Huh? Where did Mr. Beetle go?" Luffy tried finding it again, moving his head left and right.

But suddenly, a loud groan startled him. It belonged to the log. He went over to see why a log would do a sound like that. Maybe his beetle friend was in there.

Instead of a golden beetle, Luffy found a man lying next to a log.

Roger expected himself to be in the afterlife after dying.

When he was younger, a lot of the older folks in town told him stories about death. One of them was the afterlife. It was the place where you will be after dying. The old men in the town would tell Roger that after he die, he will see his loved ones in that place. They were waiting for him. And then there would be a feast. There will be music, dancing, talking, and laughing. They will kiss and hug him as they celebrated his life.

He has been in a lot of places on the Grand Line. Everyone has different point of views about death. Reincarnation, nothingness, Hell or Heaven. But for Roger, the afterlife story was much more better and he was expecting that.

But things do not always go as planned.

His black eyes fluttered open. He blinked a few times trying to adjust to blinding light of the bright sun. He groaned loudly. A fierce headache ensued. He tried rubbing his head a few times. It seemed to help him even just a little.

Roger noticed a young boy sitting next to him. His black eyes were wide open as he stared with curiousity. He has a jet black hair in a normal length. His lower right eye has a scar that was probably got because of a stab. The most notable thing Roger noticed was a straw hat. He also had one in the past but he gave it to his apprentice.

"Hi!" The boy greeted, quite loudly for Roger.

"Hello..." Roger tried to sit. It was kind of hard since his body was stiff but he manage. After all, it was only proper to sit when you were in the midst of a conversation.

"Hey, Ossan. Have you seen a beetle? It's gold in color and it flew towards you! I tried catching it but when I opened my hands, it just disappeared." The young boy ranted out with so much energy but disappointment was evident on his face.

"No." Roger replied. "What's so special about the beetle, lad?"

"Because it is gold in color, duh! You don't usually see a beetle like that!" The boy laughed merrily.

A small grin was forming in Roger's face. He already knew that he would like this boy. He was full of enthusiasm, not minding that he was basically talking to a stranger. The boy looked kind, his smile never faltering.

"What's your name, lad?"

The boy blinked, lips forming into a wide grin, the widest Roger has ever seen. He stood up and raised his hands on the air. The way he speak his next words, it was passionate and determined.

"I'm Monkey D. Luffy and I'm gonna be the Pirate King!"
